Chapter Twenty-Two: Arms

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"Qu-Qu-Queen Sunflower, I don't know why Pyn, Lyn, Myn, Ryn, and Zyn went missing." A small catterfly stuttered, their pelt was a mix of teals and violets and was heavily scarred.

"Aymber Tealwing. Didn't I request to keep watch of them, Aym?" Queen Sunflower's shot a glare at Aym. The queen sounded insanely threatening to Aym.

"I-I-y-y-yes y-you did my queen." Aym felt small. Very small.

"And why didn't you?" Queen Sunflowers eyes sparked with fury.

"T-t-there was an unrecognizable creature, it had a hybre serpent for a tail and-"

"Enough excuses Aymber. This is your last warning." Queen Sunflower interrupted.

Aym nodded and walked off. As they walked through the halls they saw 2 soldiers, carrying a Norwegian forest-powder mothcat, who was trying to fight back.

"Ow! DON'T BITE US! Or we will kill you here right now." One of soldiers scowled.

The mothcat stopped trying to fight back. His face was horrified, he didn't want to die this wasn't fair.

Aym snuck around the hall, trying to see what they were doing to the mothcat.

"Your majesty, we found this mothcat that was intruding the kingdom." The soldiers kneeled to Queen Sunflower.

The queen stood up from her throne and gave a menacing glare at the mothcat.

"Execute him." She demanded.

The mothcat stared at the queen full of horror. He noticed Aym and mouthed the words: Help me.

Right as the catterfly soldiers were about to kill the mothcat... Aym swiftly pulled out a sword sliced one of the soldiers arms off.

"AYM, I GAVE YOU A LAST WARNING, my loyal soldiers, execute them as well!" Queen Sunflower snapped.

The catterflies fought, 1 of the soldiers tried to chop Aym's head off, but missed by a few inches, so Aym chopped the soldiers head off. The other soldier sliced Aym's arm clean, well, it was not very clean off. The mothcat got mad at this and went savage on the soldier. The mothcat grabbed his dagger and repeatedly stabbed the soldier. The queen was furious.

"PYL! I NEED HELP HERE!" Queen Sunflower shouted.

Pyl swiftly jumped into the catterfly throne room, but missed Aym and the mothcat by a few seconds, Pyl chased after Aym. Despite only having 1 arm and losing blood Aym was extremely swift in flight, with their one good arm they held tight onto the mothcats wrist.

The mothcat started throwing knives at Pyl.

HOW DOES HE HAVE SO MANY KNIVES?? WHERE ARE ALL OF THEM COMING FROM Pyl thought to himself, retreating as a knife stabbed him in the leg.

"Hey, little mothcat, may I know your name?" Aym asked.

"My name, my name is Powder, if I remember correctly." Powder answered.

"Thanks, it's good to know, Powder." Aym said.

"You're Aym right? I have a place for us to go, hopefully the mothcats will let you in," Powder smiled.

A couple of minutes later:

"What do you mean you lost them Pyl?!" Queen Sunflower asked.

"Th-they were too fast, they had knives, a lot, they were throwing them, I got stabbed in the leg.." Pyl struggled to explain.

"Put wanted posters everywhere of the 2, make sure to put whoever brought them to us will be... let's just say charmingly... rewarded." Queen Sunflower grinned.

Pyl grinned as well, the plan was perfect. 

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