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Marvin gaye - Charlie puth

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Marvin gaye - Charlie puth

Woah, there's loving in your eyes
That pulls me closer
It's so subtle, I'm in trouble
But I'd love to be in trouble with you



Hyoma always wanted to have a close friendship with you. Not the type of friendship that only exists on the soccer field.

There are two boys in his class that he secretly envies from distance because of their friendship. The boy with multiple yellow highlighted strikes on his hair reminds of him since he seems more energetic than the boy with one blunt cyan highlight on his black hair who reminds of you, the silent and reserved friend who always wore blank expression.

As he heard they had been friends since kindergarten, went to the same elementary and even now in the same school, making him wonder if you also went to the same school as him, you two could have been closer than this.

Hyoma remembers the first day in Rako Tech, just staring at the unique duo from few desks away, eyes shifting to the board lazily writing whatever stuff the teacher left on it then eyes returning to them, seeing they got even more focused on the game.

"Yo, they are pushing thru mid lane. Wtf they are attacking the inhibitor turret, hurry up." the yellow one whisper-yelled, getting sluggish "okay, hang in there. I'm getting my blue buff." from his friend. "Hurry up!" "Okay, okay"

"Maniac!, Savage! Wiped out." system's voice faintly audible to the others, the teacher and the students didn't bother to look at their way, still minding their own business.

"Woah, how'd you managed to eliminate all them with your lame ass build bro." yellow highlighted hair hovered over the cyan boy's phone with clear intrigue in his eyes when the other one muttered "I told ya, corrosion scythe suits Ling's attack." the duo continuing to entertain themself in boring class in their own world, unaware of the pink eyes watching to them. Surely, this scene gave the idea of Hyoma started those unbearingly annoying begging of you to transfer in.

As soon as teacher leaves the classroom, they whip out their phone and start to play multiplayer game together, goes to cafeteria together during lunch and even has their usual spot where they can be seen always together. On top of that guess what, they always in Hyoma's way to school every. single. morning, together as always. Covetable sight for the red-haired boy to remind him that he is a loner without you, indeed.

Hyoma wished for a friendship that is genuine, not the one exists on the field.

Yet, he never said the real reason why he wanted you to transfer in to Rako Tech. Because if he did, you would have simply told him to find someone from his school, turning your back to him as usual. He tried. He tried to find someone who is fit to be the friend-figure like you.

『𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙』❥Yandere! Chigiri Hyoma × male readerWhere stories live. Discover now