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(When i mean M/N is replacing Barou, it doesn't mean M/N is EXACTLY like him!  It'll be clear when the story goes

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(When i mean M/N is replacing Barou, it doesn't mean M/N is EXACTLY like him!  It'll be clear when the story goes.)


The first encounter

Tree leaves clattered against each other in the soft breeze, little birds chirping together sounds like nature's harmony, a perfect match that made the sidewalk more livelier. On the old and narrow sidewalk, a girl with a long reddish-pink hair skipped happily her face held soft smile while enjoyed the scenery with a low humming tone.

She held camera in her right hand, pointing at everywhere searching for a eye-catching beautiful shots to add in her collection. In her left hand, frail little wrist of boy with similar features but shorter hair who seem to be in a exact opposite mood of his sister dragged his legs on a sandy sidewalk whilst rubbing the bottom of his shoes on the dirt, raising dust on his trail.

Sun rays hit upon on his face through the trees opening, making him scrunch his face in discomfort caused by sudden lightness when he tried to cover his face with his free hand. Although he is being silent, it's appearingly his body language screams that he wanted nothing but to go home.

"Hyoma! Stop that will you?" in scolding tone, his sister turned around with a slight annoyed expression but to return to her normal expression after seeing her brother's grumpy face. "The noise you make while walk is paining my ears. Can you please stop it?"

His sister asked nicely like how their mother always said because how the elder behave, youngers gonna imitate it. As being a responsible older sister, the older Chigiri looked at her brother with a sweet smile despite how she was annoyed earlier.

The younger Chigiri remained quiet for a few seconds when he suddenly crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. "Hmph!"

"Huh, Hyoma? What's wrong? Why are you being so grumpy?" his sister cooed in a playful manner, hoping it'd cease her brother's bratty attitude but to get silent treatment from him again. "Is this because of i'm taking you with me to Kawa-chan's right?" she sighed in defeat.

"But you know that i promised her to meet at her place today. Mom got a urgent matter and i had no choice but to take you with me. Hyoma you are old enough to understand that." she sighed once again, trying to keep herself calm and not to lash out to her brother to start another sibling fight.

"Then I am old enough to stay at home alone, am i not? Nee-san?" small Chigiri furiously said while his eyebrows furrowed and lips pouted, his face expression making it harder to his sister not to laugh at his face.

A self-centered boy who wants everything goes in his way, even now didn't budge from his "It's all about me" behavior. Stomping his foot to the ground, Hyoma stood steadily on his spot as if he wouldn't move unless he surpasses his sister again as always.

『𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙』❥Yandere! Chigiri Hyoma × male readerWhere stories live. Discover now