Part Two: An Unexpected Encounter with Fame

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Gigi sat on the crispy, soft white snow and clipped her feet into her skis which were a pink/coral and black colour. Luckily she didn't have far to walk when she would be up on her feet for the ski lift as it was just a few metres from were she was sitting. She got up, got out her phone from her pocket and shuffled her ski playlist and skied over to the lift and got ready to perch herself onto the bench that would take her up to the top of the slope.

Little did she know that this day on the pistes would be anything but ordinary.

*Ski playlist will be placed here*

As Gigi confidently glided down the slope, she felt content that was a pretty good run for her first time on this piste in a while, she had gotten nearer to the end of her run and she had spotted a group of familiar faces at the base of the slope. The said people, Callum and Chris whom she had already very briefly met at the chalet but the others she had recognised quickly as she also watched their videos too. 

When she approached the group of YouTubers, she was very skeptical about meeting the group. This was a very surreal moment for Gigi, being a fan of each of the boys, sat behind a screen watching their lives unfold and going on adventures to standing amidst them made Gigi's heart race with a blend of excitement and awe.

"Wow, hi again!" She said slowly breaking on her skis. "Fancy seeing you here." She laughed as she raised her goggles on her helmet and removed her snood from her face.

"Oh, it's you from the chalet right, Gigi? I'm sure she knows who these boys are right?" Callum said pointing to the others. 

"We told the boys what happened with the chalet and they feel for you." Said Chris, looking at Harry with a small smirk.

"Aw good to know, so sorry again." Said Gigi moving her skis so she'd be more closer to the boys.

"Yeah, that was a funny moment, it happens. How you finding the slope?" Said Harry adjusting his goggles so he could see a little better. "Been here before have you?" He said.

"I've been coming here a few years now but not on this slope, felt like a little challenge and it surprised me." Said Gigi. "How about you guys?".

"We've been coming here for a few years too, surprised to not have seen you on the slopes to be honest. We're about to head off to the La Folie Douce if you wanted to join us?" Harry asked politely. 

"Yeah sure, I love that place... is it far from here?" Said Gigi placing on her snood and lowering her goggles onto her face.

"It's just over there really. Will be a short ski for sure." Said Vik who was placing on his goggles and fastening his helmet. "It's nice to meet you Gigi."

The boys and Gigi skied over to the other side and the little "ski over" was more than just that. Gigi, Harry and Calfreezy slipped a few times but were able to laugh it off, Vik recorded the moments as they happened on his go-pro - even Gigi's little slip. They managed to get there all in one piece and they each placed their skis into the ski rack and headed over to the outdoor bar. Chris and Harry were kind enough to buy a few extra beers for Gigi, which warmed her heart and adored them a little bit more.

Gigi and the boys walked to the tables and seating areas with their beers in hand to try and find a table. Gigi was the best person to find a table and luck was on her side once again today as she had found a large table free away from a small group of people who were stood on the table. This 'La Foile Douce' was getting a little busy as the après had started. 

(*The time currently is 4pm, some après places open till 7:30pm or 5pm*) 

"There's a table right here guys, it's perfect." Gigi exclaimed hurrying her little legs over to the table, placing her beers on the table. She removed her backpack and placed it in between her legs, took off her goggles and helmet and placed them onto the table in front of her and took a drink of her beer.

"Thank you so much for the beers, are you sure you don't want me to owe you the money for them?" Gigi politely said looking concerned at Chris and Harry who had paid for all of the beers.

"No honestly it's all good Gigi. It's nice to meet another skier, there aren't many of them in our group." Chris said laughing as he placed his helmet and gloves down and took a drink of his beer.

"You're too kind, thank you so much. What other runs do you guys have in mind after this? I'm thinking of Pic Bleu." Said Gigi taking another drink from her beer and grabbed a quick Instagram video to her story.

"That's a great slope, the turns are always fun. We're thinking of that or Folyères which isn't far from that one." Said Calfreezy who took a squig of his beer.

"Unreal how we're sitting with a fan and just vibing out this afternoon... really wasn't expecting this." Laughed Vik.

"Yeah, so surreal.. I normally come to Meribel alone and just ride the slopes, then pop to Après after." Gigi said taking another drink of her beer.

"You seem like a fun person to hang with so it's all good." Smirked Callum.

An hour and a half had passed so the boys and Gigi put on their helmets and walked over to their skis and snowboards.

"Not sure which way to go from here in the dark." Gigi laughed fixing her helmet and snood before placing her goggles onto her face, dropping her skis to the floor and clipping herself in. "We're going left right?"

"Yes, there's a restaurant we went to last night near our chalet as well, we can pop there for our dinner when we get back." Said Harry placing the clips on his board.

"Sounds good to me, let's get going!" Said Gigi moving forwards following behind the boys, little did she know Chris had dropped back to ski alongside Gigi.

"I'll keep you company, don't worry." Laughed Chris.

The boys and Gigi managed to get to the chalet around 7pm, they took off their skis and snowboards and walked inside. Gigi went off to her room, locked her door and closed her curtains, got out of her helmet, goggles, snood and ski attire and got changed into her thermal leggings, cargos, changed her vest for a clean white one and put on her cream North Face fleece which she already had in her suitcase from her last trip. She grabbed her makeup bag and touched up areas of her makeup, sprayed some deo and her Victoria Secret Seduction mist onto herself, took out her ponytails and decided to leave her hair down, put on her trainers, preened herself and her hair in the mirror before spraying herself with her Black Opium perfume, grabbed her coat, unlocked her door and met the boys in the living area who were also ready, as Chris, Callum, Vik and Harry were sat on the sofa waiting for Gigi and Calfreezy to finish before heading off.

"Wow, you look so different when you're in normal clothes." Laughed Harry looking at Gigi. "Think you're quicker at getting ready than Freezy too."

"Oh thank you, and that was something I was expecting from him." Gigi giggled taking a seat next to Vik.

As she sat down Calfreezy popped out from his room that he shared with Harry and adjusted his coat and sat down with the boys.

"You ski pretty good Gigi..." Calfreezy said adjusting his shoe laces. "You're quicker at getting ready too, always seem to be the last one me."

"Thank you, I try. And that was something I had in mind about you" She laughed looking over to Calfreezy. "We all set to go? I'm so hungry." Gigi said getting up from her seat.

"Yeah let's go!" Said Calfreezy who got up after the boys did and they all headed out to walk to the restaurant, which Callum had pre-booked earlier. "I phoned them up whilst you were getting ready and they said they can fit an extra person onto the booking." Callum said walking alongside Gigi checking his phone.

"Oh that's handy, thank you so much. Never been to this area before, I normally stay up a littler further but this chalet offered plenty of access to ski lifts." Said Gigi checking her phone and adding another video to Instagram story.


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