.16 ↠ treetop

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He was standing on leaves. The top of the biggest tree in troll village. The canopy of leaves was so thick, his light troll body could step with ease. The pods hung below, under many other forest trees, but this one was the magnificent one.

Branch looked out on the view, a perfect view of the world around them. It made him see and realize how small they really were. But it felt nice, knowing he was insignificant. The sky dawned.

I need to bring poppy here.

"Oh yeah, one thing, do NOT bring poppy here."

"What? Why?" branch spun around to face his brother.

"Dude, do you see this view? I've been hiding this for years." JD crossed his arms.

"Not even... Floyd...?"

"Not even Floyd."

branch gasped. "Woah. That's serious." He replied, looking back out. "It's really amazing up here. I've never seen anything like it." He smiled as he looked out to the scenery,

"Mhm.." John Dory replied, "nobody else knows about his place."

branch gave him a silent nod, turning his eyes to look around the sky. He had one thought in his mind.

I'm taking poppy here.

We're headed towards the pods." branch smiled brightly at her, while she just made a concerned face, "the.. pods?"

"Yup! You gotta trust me." The two trolls walked, arm in arm. branch admired his girlfriend's pretty flowy dress. "I'm liking the dress."

She looked up, "thank you."

He grinned at her and looked at her lips, he couldn't help leaning in to brush his lips against hers, "you look so beautiful." He could never get enough of poppy.

"You look so handsome." She replied, into the kiss. They pulled apart laughing and continued to walk.

Branch made it to the base of the tree. A large moving shape caught poppy's eye, "RHONDA!"

"Yup, JD let me borrow her for a little." branch leaned on the base of the tree as poppy stroked the car. Rhonda licked her and sniffed her. The pink troll laughed.

"Ooh, well. I'll have to write him a thank you note for letting us borrow him!" She gave her a final pet and turned. branch's expression dropped into a very concerned one. "Uhhh- maybe, not. Just- don't worry, I've got it covered."

"Whaaat, why?" The pink troll tilted her head.

"Just don't worry, he won't mind." branch didnt have the heart to tell her that he didn't ask to borrow Rhonda.

He hopped into the car, taking her hand and helping her into Rhonda. she brushed off her dress and leaped on the couch. "Ahhh.. air conditioning..."

The blue troll turned on the car, starting up Rhonda as she shook herself off. "Buckle your seatbelt." he called to the back. She followed his command and strapped herself in before branch zoomed up the tree. He went higher and higher as Rhonda swerved thick branches and bundles of leaves.

Some leaves stuck to the windshield. Branch gulped nervously, "uhh."

"Everything good up there?"

"Yeah! just let me uh-" branch clicked some buttons, that didn't do much. Rhonda slowed down on the tree, scraping the bark as the car lost some of her grip. Rhonda panted as she slid down the trunk.


"Yea, just uhm— uhhh" then poppy came up and saw them declining down slowly,

"AHHHHH! SHES GOING DOWN! WERE GONNA DIE!!!!" poppy began freaking out, hyperventilating quickly. branch looked to her, clicking more buttons, "NO- WE WONT DIE! CALM DOWN, ILL UHH-"

Click. branch pressed the hustle button. Rhonda perked up suddenly and soared forwards, knocking branch and poppy to the back of the bus. He gripped her hand, "hold on!!!"

rhonda burst through the canopy, falling and landing on the treetop and shaking herself off before laying down. The couple sighed, looking at each other fondly.

"You didn't kill us!" poppy looked over to the blue troll.

"I didn't kill us!" He replied, with hitched breathing. He opened the car door and led her out. poppy gasped as she saw what he plannwed ; the vast scenery of trees and colour and life. You could see mountain tops far away, and the sun shining over them, making the sky orange and yellow.

"Wow." She said, taking in the view, "it's incredible."

"Not as incredible as you." He grasped her hand, intertwining their fingers together. She grinned at him, "you're more incredible than anything I've seen, too."

"Mhm.." branch replied, taking in his lovers beauty. She had every feature of a lover ; he profound ears, her pink eyes and skin, the way she whispered 'I love you' in his ears.

poppy looked back up at the view, while he continued to stare at her and her dress, and thought about how he (kinda) wanted to rip it off.

She sat down on the canopy of leaves and he followed beside her. The wind blew through their hair. Poppy laid her head on his shoulder "thanks for bringing me here, I need to ask John if he's got any more cool places."

"I don't want to hear another man's name on your mouth" he silenced her in a gentle way, and kissed her forehead and her nose. She nuzzled into his chest as he stroked her soft pink hair.

"We should do stuff like this more often." She looked up from his lap. "We should upgrade it from 10 to 15 times a week."

He nodded in reply, and kissed her again, on the corner of her mouth and her lips. She sunk into the kiss, smiling and pinning him down. They pulled away and looked into the pretty sky until the sun set over the horizon.


"Oh shoot."

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