.15 ↠ advice

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lowercases are intentional.


branch was left dumbfound, starstruck, heartfelt as he watched the charismatic pink troll leave. He hadn't noticed himself getting enveloped into her touch, her scent, her smile as they danced. He panted heavily; half from the moment of spinning around the room, and the other from her.

And he looked down, holding out his hands and turning them around. They were truly blue. Blue that spread down his arms and through his rough hair. Through his eye bags and the imperfections on his skin; he had gained his color.

He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. He looked at the silent record player.

But she had just left. Even though she just changed his life, she left. And he needed her.

Was that it?

Branch had known poppy. They saved troll village together. He wrote poems and sonnets and thought about her as he looked up at the ceiling at night. And the truth was, he knew that he was in love with her.

He ran out the bunker.

Where could she have gone? branch ran around, searching for her or something that could lead him to the girl he knew he loved. The grass on the ground weaved through his toes as he stepped around. He knew poppy. where she could have possibly gone?

There was one only explanation that soared through his mind. The lake. The moon above shined on the stars that illuminated the sky. A large star was sat in the middle of the sky, blasting its light towards the ground. It caught his attention as he looked towards the endless sky. Intrigued, he began to follow the star.

branch's feet led him through the bush thickets as he trudged along the path. The spring season had erupted, wildflowers coming forth through the ground. The blue troll felt a crush under his foot, and after he lifted it up he saw a little red poppy shining through the grass. Sniffling, he took the flower in his hands, letting out a little smile.

he sniffed it carefully, before setting it in his pocket.

A rustling noise through the bushes led him farther, as he stepped out some pines to see the large lake. Its water rippled with small fish, following the force of the moonlight above them. branch tilted his head, before scanning the clearing. And there, was a pink troll, with her head on her knees, fiddling with a sharp blade of grass between her fingers.

branch walked over, unnoticed by poppy. She sighed, continuing to play with the grass.

An unnerving sound came from behind her. What was that? She turned around sharply, seeing the blue troll from before. Standing there looking her dead in the eye.

"Branch." She gave a gentle smile.

"I had to-" he sputtered, reaching his hands out, "I didn't say what-"

"Yea, it's okay." She moved her legs in front of her, signaling for her friend branch to sit. His color looked more blue now, as he sat beside her. She looked at him, "you're looking colourful."

"How.." he started again, "how did you do that?"

She giggled lightly, tapping his cheek, "there's always going to be something wrong inside of people, branch. Always something unnerving, unexpected, unsettling. There's not a lot you can do."

She wrapped her arms around her knees, turning her soft gaze toward the water, "I can only try. I'll always try my best."

he paused, his breath hitching, "do you understand how I was?"

"How you were?" The pink troll continued her gaze toward the water.

"it was bad." He talked, "I just- never felt happy. And it was such a short time, but..."

He turned to her suddenly, gripping her shoulder, "it went away. So fast. it's like you're my escape. And before, with the bergen attack, that's when I found my happiness. Because you were there. And when I knew that it was you who helped me, it changed everything. And I don't know how I could go on now, when I'm sad, if you're not there."

poppy laughed with a sweet smile, "branch."

He pulled the halfway-crimpled flower out his pocket, silently handing it her with a solemn look on his face. She took it from his hands, sniffing it. "Smells like your pocket."

"It smells like you." He countered.

"I smell like your pocket?"

"No-" he rolled his eyes with a slight grin.

She turned towards him, "I don't know what to tell you, what to say. What I should say." But her eyes said everything.

"I just, love you." He said, and it was sudden. But it was true. It was true that he couldn't get her thought out his head. her scent wouldn't leave his nose. her touch wouldn't wipe off. He put a hand on her face.

He looked at her lips, "I've always loved you."

"Even when you were grey?"

"Even when I was grey. And when I'm blue. And whatever colour I am in the future- my heart will always be filled with your shade of pink." He breathed out.

She focused on his hand on her, looking at it, before placing a hand on his face too. She leaned in on her knees, planting a his on his forehead. And then his nose, and his cheek, and the corner of his upturned mouth. He opened his eyes, and leaned into her, putting a kiss onto her lips.

It was passionate and sweet, as poppy pulled away, looking at his face. "I don't want you to be grey. I never want you to be grey. Ever again."

"Me neither." He kissed her again, basically knocking her over on the grass. She laughed into the kiss,


"I just don't want it to end-" and he kissed her again softly.

They finally pulled apart and sat on the grass to look out onto the lake. Branch noticed poppy's frayed hair and the small grin still on her face. He laid back, feeling the grass on his hair, and closed his eyes.

She did the same. And they fell asleep under the stars.

oneshots ° ↣ broppyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora