.16 ↠ treetop

214 6 67

lowercases are intentional.


poppy spun around, looking at herself in the mirror. She was so excited to go on another date with branch, her boyfriend. (This is the 8th date this week) and she knew that he had something special planned.

So she giggled looking at herself, twirling around in her periwinkle chiffon dress.

"Girllll, you look so good." smidge, one of the queens best friends, hyped her up. The little yellow troll had a smile on her face and her hands on her hips.

"Oh, really? Thank for helping me pick the dress, I really love it!" She grinned widely from ear to ear and twirled around once again.

"Yes queen- now don't keep your man waiting!" smidge urged her.

"Okay, okay! I'm going!" She waved smidge goodbye before rushing away out the pod. She swung by her pink hair until she reached his bunker. branch was just heading out, dusting his jacket off with a sigh,

"Hm- oh,! poppy!- You scared me-" he jumped when he saw his lovely girlfriend standing there, with a big smile, "I was just coming to pick you up."

"I came to you." she stepped closer, looking him up and down, "and I'm liking the jacket." She purred

"I knew you would," he winked, linking their arms as he walked her away from the bunker, "the last time I wore this jacket, you went all-"

"OKAY! Topic change!" She coughed, looking around, "uhm, how about- where are we going?" The pink troll looked up to her boyfriend. branch did look quite handsome while he was looking down at her.

"Well, I can't tell you that." He chuckled, "you'll just have to wait."

"Hm, okay." She gazed around again, thinking of something to say, "I'm kinda hungry, I could really use some-"

"candy?" branch cut her off, pulling a sweet from his pocket.

"WOAH! You're perfect." She snatched it from him, "ah- I love you branchifer." poppy smiled, pecking him on the cheek and popping the candy into her mouth.

"Mhm.." he replied, and they walked in silence. except for poppy's loud chewing of the candy, she was always a loud chewer-

branch led her past the village, as confused poppy looked back, "not at the village?"

"Not at the village." he replied, as he continued to lead her away to his planned spot. He found this spot a while ago, when his brother John Dory showed it to him.

JD soared up an unnaturally large tree. He smashed his hand on the hustle button, flinging Rhonda faster and zooming her towards the skys. The car bumped around as he drove up up up. branch was knocked around the walls in the back of the car, "AHH- John slow down! YOU'RE HURTING ME-"

"Calm down lil' bro! Rhonda can handle it!"


John halted the car at the top of the tree. The sudden stop caused branch to fly and smack the front of the bus. He slid down the window. "AughhhhhhHh"

"We're here!" JD called, unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Wait, there were seatbelts??"

John flung open Rhonda's door with his foot, the car panting as it was parked. branch followed his brother out. He rolled his eyes, but his jaw dropped at the sight of what was before him.

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