.13 ↠ magazine

294 8 69

lowercases are intentional.


after a long day of rotting away in his bunker, branch decided maybe he should pay a visit his lovely girlfriend, poppy. It was rare that they didn't see each other. although it was a later time of day, and the sun was going down, he got out of his lonely bunker and strolled into town.

he first paid a visit to a the local botanist shop, stretching as he walked in. branch waved to the florist at the counter, a lovely light purple troll who helped many people of pop village pick flowers for their spouses. As lovely as she was; branch didn't care. He only thought about poppy, his delightful girlfriend.

 The blue troll smiled as he walked towards the array of flowers. He picked some roses of a light pink shade. The colour reminded him of poppy. The troll packed in some droopy lily of the valleys and paid for the bouquet with delight. His girlfriend would surely love it.

right after, he stopped at the shop. It was just called 'the shop' , located in the center of town. they sold a variety of necessary items, like a pharmacy, only cooler. He grabbed a box of chocolates, shaped like a heart. He paid, and paired the box with the flowers. A perfect, meaningful gift!

branch swung over to her pod, and opened the door softly, to not startle her. "Poppy.." he called out, with a grin. But there was no answer, except for some slight sniffling noises in the distance.

"poppy?" He looked around the area, confused. He walked over to her bedroom, with his gifts in hand. Knocking on the door softly, "..poppy?"

the mysterious sniffling sounds grew louder as he approached the bedroom, a stern, "go away!" followed, before more crying noises could be heard. Concerned branch opened the door, to see poppy sitting on her large queenly bed, sobbing with her face in her hands. Some odd magazines and articles were placed in front of her feet. She had been reading them.

"angel-" branch set his items on the floor urgently before rushing up to her and stroking her hair, "hey- what's wrong?" He wiped a tear from her face, as he looked  at the unusual magazines next to her. There were images and articles of different girl trolls; long hair and skinny, posing with their hands on their hips and bright white smiles.

"What-" branch looked back at his girlfriend, who weeped harder, "branch, how can you love me?"

"Woah woah, what?"

"I don't look like the pretty girls!"

branch paused before hugging her and embracing her tightly, "poppy, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen! You mean everything to me." He pushed the articles off her bed, "you can't be looking at that stuff-."

"Bu- but I don't look like them." She choked out, muffling her words with lengthy sobs. She didn't look at him with her tearful eyes.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"You're the most beautiful troll In pop troll village, buttercup! You're the queen, you're seen as the symbol of beauty here!" He stroked her back comfortably. She wiped away some of the wetness from her cheeks, "but- but-"

"No buts!" Branch sat down next to her on the bed with a smile. "I don't want to hear anything about that, because you're so lovely." He wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek, and put her head on his shoulder. "And if it makes you feel better, I got you some chocolates."

"Really?" She sniffed.

"Yea. And flowers. Pretty ones, for my pretty girl." He rocked her as she relaxed with his presence. Branch carefully pushed the magazines under the bed, so they could be away from her sight. poppy was the most magnificent troll in his eyes. How could she think like that?

He brushed her hair, "everything okay now?" He looked down at her solemn face. "Yea," she replied steadily. He laid her down and put the covers over her, "want me to stay?" 

"Yea." She confided herself in the bed. "'Kay, just gotta do one thing." He waited until she closed her eyes, so he could quickly grab hold of the magazines from under the bed and stuff them in the trash. That would be the end of that. 

Branch laid down next to her, planting a kiss on her forehead, then her nose, and finally her lips before he closed his eyes to begin their restful night.

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