.06 ↠ a new years special!

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lowercases are intentional.

                                                        a new years special!

branch picked up a framed photo he had on his dresser. A photo of him and his gurlfriend, queen poppy. he gleamed at the photo, knowing that the day they started dating was the best day of his life. and today, they planned to spend their whole day together.

it was New Year's Eve, and the trolls would plan the biggest party ever! the pop trolls were going to celebrate the new year together. branch knew poppy had been planning the party for weeks, so that her village could have the best party ever. but branch also knew that she was incredibly stressed about it. she couldn't stop over-thinking it. I better go check on her.

branch arrived at poppy's pod. "poppy? You there?" he called through the door, and walked inside. There he saw poppy sitting at her vanity, making more confetti and editing some of her party blueprints. "Oh, hello branch." she said nonchalantly, and she didn't look up.

"how are you- uh, doing?" he stated to her and folded his arms a bit nervously. "yea. I'm fine." she replied to her boyfriend without looking up. she had been finely concentrating on her work.

he sighed. "okay poppy, that's enough for today." Branch came behind her and lifted her out the chair.

"Hey hey! Put me down branch! I'm preparing for the New Year's party tonight!" She squirmed in his arms.

"poppy, the planning is done! The party will be great, everyone knows it. All the trolls will have fun , end of discussion!"

"But, but-"

"No buts! Now cmon, let's go and do something before the party, okay?"

poppy sighed and rubbed her nose, "fine." she dusted herself off and brightened up with a smile. She gave branch a kiss on the cheek before they exited the pod, and went down to visit troll village.

The trolls were running around everywhere, large banners of blue and gold littered the streets. They read, '2024 HAPPY NEW YEAR!' "see, poppy? The people are so excited for the new year. more opportunities for us!"

"Maybe you'll finally get rid of Gary!" Poppy smirked at him, jokingly. she knew he loved his remote control, Gary.

"No." He muttered back. They held hands as they walked along the grass paths. They eventually stopped at a smoothie shop and got some smoothies to celebrate. even though branch would rather have a coffee.

"right after the sun sets, the party starts. That's exactly how I planned it." Poppy crossed her arms in thought.

"Shh, no more party talk." The blue troll replied right after. But poppy was already scrapbooking her plan —for the 300th time— her paper display had a large venue and little dancing trolls.

"yup, I'm sure it will be just like that, now cmon!" Branch led her away from her thoughts as they continued to walk. The sky was pink now, signaling the sun had already started his journey, and would be fully down soon. the pink troll was still nervous that her plan would have a flaw and could go wrong. But branch knew that according to his calculations, nothing could possibly go wrong. there was no need for her to worry.

Poppy threw out her empty smoothie cup, and branch gave her the rest of his. "I'm really trying not to scrapbook right now." she shivered.

"No scrapbooking!"

The sun finally went down, and the streets were filled with trolls and decorations. Lights came up and illuminated the area. the party was starting, and all the trolls came and were dancing to music that was playing.

"See, they're having fun.." branch put his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "yea I guess they are." she smiled up at him and went to go dance with her friends. Branch leaned on a tree farther away. there was a big timer and a clock that stated how long until the new year began. And really, branch couldn't wait. a whole new year to spend time with his girlfriend sounded magical.

poppy locked eyes and waved at branch as she was dancing to some loud music. She urged him to come over but he shook his head. but poppy made a sad face at him, and he couldn't resist her cute face. So he went over and danced along with the music.

all the trolls were spinning and laughing together as the timer counted down. Glitter was bursting everywhere and they were all happy to be surrounded with friends and family. The party calmed, and midnight approached.

Poppy stood next to branch, "so, have any resolutions?"

he thought, "hm. Well, not much. I'd like to stay happy and keep having fun with you. and I want to make you the happiest troll this year." He put his hand on her cheek.

"Aw, branch, I am already the happiest troll. with you by my side, I can't possibly be sad." she looked at him and placed her head on his shoulder.

"And the party went well. Just like you planned." He stated. And it was true. The trolls had fun and now the crowds stood and talked about the year that was about to come.

"Yea, I guess it did."

The timer counted down slowly. From fifteen minutes, to ten minutes, to eight, and five, and two minutes. And then one minute. The trolls cheered and jumped as the seconds counted down. The sound on joy and laughter filled the air.

"Cmon branch let's stand with the crowd!" Poppy grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the crowd. As the timer approached, a crescendo of voices was heard through the village. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five-"

"I love you, branch."

"I love you too, poppy."

"-four, three, two, one!"

the voices cheered and screamed as the clock hit 12:00 and the new year officially arrived. Hugs and fist bumps and kisses were given from all around. Branch looked at poppy, "happy new year poppy"

"Happy new year branch," she pressed her lips on her boyfriend and confetti streamed down. trolls clicked their glasses around. It was officially the new year!

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