.10 ↠ saturns ring

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lowercases are intentional.

                                                         saturns rings.

poppy looked at her little postcard, which was held shakily in her pink hands. It had a little photo of vacay island printed on the front. "Okay, I lied. I'm a little nervous."

"Hm? Why's that?" Branch put his arm around his wife's shoulder, while looking thoughtfully in her eyes; like he could see every thought inside her head. The pink troll crossed her arms, "I just- I don't know. I feel we haven't seen your family in a while. Especially Bruce."

Branch thought for a moment, "yea, but we're seeing him now. It will be great. And maybe Floyd will pay him a visit too. after he gets out of therapy..." he muttered that last bit.

Poppy sighed, "yea. I guess you're right." They approached vacay island on a little boat. Hopping off onto the shore line and looking at all the colorful water beads around them. Branch's purple haired brother was on a surfboard, sailing towards the shore, "hey! You guys made it!"

"Yea! We did!" Poppy waved to her brother-in-law with a smile. Branch hopped off the boat and took her hand, helping poppy off. Bruce emerged to the shore, he grabbed his board and walked to the couple with a big grin.

"I'm glad y'all could make it!" He smiled and hugged them, "welcome to the island! Now come on. Brandy's with the kids."

The three trolls headed inside the restaurant, where many islanders were eating. Bruce handed branch and poppy a small plate of nachos, "oh here, yall must be hungry."

"mm.." poppy took a chip and popped it in her mouth. They went over to the counter where brandy was cooking up some food for the restaurant. The large woman turned around and saw the visitors. "Ohh! Poppy, branch! It's so good to see you." She attempted to give them a hug, while trying not to crush them.

Some of Bruce's children ran around the restaurant, Bruce yelled, "hey don't kill your brother!" And rolled his eyes.

"Ugh sorry. They're crazy. Anyway why don't we sit down, have a chat?" 

"That would be nice." Branch stated in reply. The three trolls found a table and sat. "So, Bruce, what's going on with you?"

"Oh, it's great, really. The family's good. Restaurant's business is booming. The kids just keep getting older, ugh it's breaking my heart!" He wiped a glossy tear from his eye. Branch gave poppy an awkward look, "oh.. uhm, yea. Heh."

"What about you two? Anything good since the wedding?" Bruce winked with a playful smile and made a suggestive motion.

The pink troll gulped, "Oh, uh... well we've been hanging out, you know. uhm- going on dates." Poppy shrugged awkwardly, "it's going well."

Branch wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "yep, all good with us."

"Oh well, that great to hear! the rest of the bros seem to be doing good too, Floyd's getting better and clay and viva are good with the golf course. I'm just glad everyone's happy." Bruce took a sip of his water and adjusted his hair. He checked the time, "ohh, it's almost time for games!"

oneshots ° ↣ broppyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें