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Cody could not understand why I was so horrified.

Antonio couldn't figure why there was blood on my feet.

Penny and I explained what was upstairs.

"Lou, Lou, the worker guy? Cody.. Cody.. He's .. Dead..."

"You got to be kidding me. Why would he be here?"

"I dunno.."

"Aww.." Groaned Antonio. "Merry... Well, at least it isn't on the carpet.. "

While Antonio cleaned my vomit, Cody went up the stairs. Two minutes later he came running back, and puked on Antonio.


Penny giggled.

The rest of the house is more or less okay. The place must have been abandoned for a while, for a lot of things became a disappointment.

For example, our water isn't working, oh, never mind, probably no one turned the switch on, but still..

One thing was good. Our pit bike and all terrain vehicles are still here. I hope they still work, because they can prove very useful in this place.

Our gigantic mower is here too. Also good. Due to lack of care, our lawn is now more of a jungle. The grass is like up to our waist, and Cody found ticks on my legs and arms.

I close the garage from the inside. I'm not locked in or any thing, I could go through the basement. I opened the unlatchable swinging door and went inside.

I don't remember a switch on the garage side of the basement, but it was dark in there. I had even left my phone in the room with the dead guy. Meh, its not that dark, I could see the stairs and all, and light from the windows.

And I could here a weird chewing sound from the corner of the room. I carefully approached, silently, until I tripped on something and fell. Ugh, ..? A soft landing.. The thing I'm on, it feels like...

What ever was in the corner stopped whatever it was doing. I was kinda near a window, so I had a little more light..

It was a man that approached me. A tall man dressed all in black. He had a mask on his face, scalpel in his right hand.

He saw me.

The man began to approach me. I got up, and began to back towards the stairs, keeping myself facing him.

I didn't like the look of him, the scalpel, sharp, and.. Bloodstained.. Black pitch dripped from his empty black eyeholes.

Out of nowhere he charged at me, and got on top of me. The man looked down at me, and prepared to stab his scalpel deep into my gut..

"Hey Mer! Knew you were in the garage, coming to check on you.."

Antonio looked down at me, besides him, I was alone.

"Jesus, why are you so pale? Are you that afraid of me?"

"T-t-there was this m-man.. And.." I stuttered, and gave up speaking, just trembled all over. I feel like a young kid who had a nightmare.

Antonio turned on the lights, and then took a few steps back, startled.

"M-Merry.. What the.."

I looked around.

Please no.

I didn't know most, if any of them. They were all dead, with cuts in their abdomen. Most still had there eyes open. As if on que, the room began to feel of death.

I was even sitting on a guy. I jumped up, and bolted up the stairs to the sitting room. There were no bodies there, at least. And no .. Weird men...

"Aubrey!" Cody exclaimed.

"Aww, Aubrey, what now? More bodies?"

I breathed a little.

"Murderer and all.."

Cody, of course, just stared.

Antonio came up from the basement. He too, was pale.

"There are dead people in the basement." He stated clearly.

"And I found this."

He opened his hand, and sitting on his hand was a small...

"Eww!" Pen had come to look too.

In his hand was a small sort of body part, and there appears to be a large.. Bitmark on the organ..

I turned my head away. I don't want to throw up again. I think I'm gonna be sick.

"Well," says Cody, also a little grossed out.

"Our neighbor seems to be a cannibal, huh?"

Antonio just nodded, and ran to the door. He threw the kidney as far as he possibly can.

"That is over now." Antonio said.

"Hopefully this person does not return. Now, I'm going to empty the entire house of bodies, then turn on the water. The rest of you guys, just find your rooms.

Besides Antonio, we all trudged upstairs and decided out rooms.

There were five beds total, and three rooms, leaving for two people to share a room. Penny and I suggested sharing the northern room, but Cody simply won't allow it. And so, Cody and I get the North room, Pen gets the south room, and Antonio gets the room that once held guests.

As Cody and I set up beds, Antonio came back up the stairs.

" there are too many bodies." He said.

"Collect some wood, we will cremate all the bodies.

:time skip to later le night,thanks to codyboy77, the master pooper:

Though it smelled bad, the fire made short work of the bodies. Soon there were no more bodies, and we had salvaged all we could, including clothing, pocket goods, jewelry, etc.

Away from the fire, thick fog.

" Soo.. Ghost stories anyone?"

Everyone quickly shook their heads.

"Okay then, cowards." Antonio leaned back in his chair, then quickly got up. He stared into the woods.

"What is it?" Cody asked.

"Saw something, or scaring us?"

"Dude, I thought I saw some guy in the woods."

Pen and I looked at each other. Daytime is all right, but there is no way in hell you'll get me in the woods on a night like this.

"Uuhh.. I.. Think I'll pass this exploration.. Come on, Pen."

We both got up. I grabbed a burning branch as a torch, and Penny and I went back to the house.

Cody picked up the lantern, for he decided he best go into the woods with Antonio.

It would be a long night for them.

Hwa ha-ha, now.. Who ever was the man in the woods?

Find out next time, same bat time, same bat channel!


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