"Me? Did he say that? No wonder he had such a nasty attitude," I said, recalling his sassy replies.

"Let him surpass you sometimes so that he gets the praises from your parents,"

"Haha, I'll," I said, smiling at him. He took a glance at the back before taking his leave.

Y/n tapped on my shoulder lightly, making me respond to her with my whole attention. "Are you talking about Sasuke?"


"So he's your brother?"

"Yes. Why? Did he say something about me to you too?" I asked, with a stressed-out smile.

"Not really but he surely is annoyed, better fix the relationship. You seem like a great brother,"

"I'm flattered by the remark. So shall we?" I gestured to her so we could walk and maybe talk on our way.

She was unreachable for the past 22 years and finally, she returned. All I know about the past was that she was involved in the case of Kakashi's father's death. That explains the awkward tension between the two. She was proven to be innocent but the trauma may have followed her.

She took the courage to break through everything and gave me a chance to return. That's truly admirable.

As we hit the road, she decided to break the thin ice in between. "Sasuke has been skipping a lot of meals, you should make him return home."

"Mm, what?"

"He had an acidic reaction the time he went to the village. Skipping meals can lead to something severe later in his adulthood," She carefully explained, as I nodded.

"Mom sends him so much, no wonder the boxes never return. Thank you so much for taking care of my brother, means a lot,"

I watched her cheeks flush with hues of pink, making me look away and smile in secret. Cute.

She was not great at taking compliments. It oddly brought more knowledge about her to me. I wonder how she lived for the past 22 years but asking her without being someone she's comfortable sharing with would be quite invasive of me.

"Itachi! How are you doing son? Is your mom's health okay now?" Mrs Nohara asked, taking a short glance at Y/n.

"uh she's Y/n and yeah mom's alright -"

"Y/n?!" Y/n flinched. "You're home!" She was highly confused, looking at me. Seemingly for help. "I knew you weren't involved with Sakumo-san's death.. Everyone looked for you so much-"

I panicked at the sudden mention of him. "Aa- um- Mrs. Nohara, she's quite exhausted after a 2 days long journey. Save the conversation for later," I said, gesturing her to walk. "we will see you around," I said, walking away along with her.

I hastened my steps, and she did too, understanding the situation. "It would be better if we walk through the roofs," I suggested, waiting for her approval.

"I cannot walk there. I forgot how to,"

My eyes took a glance at her, confused. But I didn't wanna bug her. We reached the apartment building and the number was 507. We got on the elevator and soon got to the 5th floor.

I unlocked the door and let her go first to see her apartment. She looked around with a little smile, as she walked around. I kept the bag in the guest room and waited for her to get done with the little tour.

I looked around the room I was waiting in, realizing how I was in charge of preparing it for the last two days. Everything was beautiful just as I instructed it to be. This building was owned by the police department of the Uchiha clan for special guests and people. It was highly protected too. It was easy for me to access as an Uchiha so it makes sense why the Third made me do the job.

She came to me with a smile, "Do you like it?"

"I love it!"

"Glad to hear that. Here's the key, and the card with it is a must-have. This shows you're a resident here,"

She took it happily and thanked me. I left the house, letting her take some time to settle down. I reminded her I'd be coming around after some time for a tour around the village.

I walked out of the building, heading back home. I met father on my way and took his bag in my hands. "Is Sasuke back?"

"Yes, father. Some while ago."

He nodded, becoming quiet for the rest of the walk. We greeted the people as father engaged in small conversations. I politely stood there, waiting for him to be done.

"Oh, Fugaku.. I was thinking about going to your house," I greeted Itsuki-san as he smiled brightly at me, taking a brief look at me.

"Have you given the proposal a thought?" He asked father as he tried to recall their conversation. I pursed my lips, turning my attention away to let them speak.

"Aah, It slipped out of my mind.. Could you please help me remember?"

"Itachi's approval for marriage, for my brother's daughter,"


I groaned in pain. The headache was sickening. I rolled over, about to take another medicine. I took the meds with a good amount of water, holding onto my head.

I leaned back onto my bed frame, slowly massaging my head, hoping the pain to disappear slowly or at least become bearable.

I tilted my head back and shut my eyes to relax my body. Letting out a sigh, I recalled the scene back in the Hokage's office.

Something about Itachi's meeting with Y/n felt off. The eyes and the while were way longer than nor-

Okay, maybe I'm just overreacting.

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