Chapter 6 ~ free trial ~

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After dinner Chai Son insisted on doing the dishes but first he had drawn a bath for Kallan and filled it with relaxing bath crystals that he had been gifted with several months ago then he had told Kallan to go and relax in it after he'd spent all day cleaning.

As he washed the dishes he thought about Kallan and about all the ways he was going to show him what a caring husband he could be given the chance. 

What he had suggested was downright crazy but the alternative was doing nothing and watching Kallan drive away from him in a few days time knowing he would likely never see him again.

There was nothing he could do with the car until his order arrived so he intended to spend some quality time with Kallan, drive him to a few local places of interest and they could get to know each other a little more.

Drying the dishes quickly he remembered he had a bottle of rosé at the back of the cupboard and after dusting off the bottle he popped the cork and poured some into two flutes, he didn't have time to chill it but it should be ok.

Carrying the wine flutes in one hand through to the bathroom, he tapped on the door then opened it slightly,

"is it ok to come in?"

"well I guess so, if you must" Kallan replied making sure the bubbles covered him sufficiently.

"I brought you a drink to help you could relax" Chai Son smiled before handing him a glass.

"thank you, this is a treat" Kallan replied.

"I would have chilled it but I didn't have time" Chai Son said squatting down beside the bath and holding his glass out so they could clink them.

"chiyo" they both said at the same time before sipping the slightly tepid beverage.

Chai Son placed his glass down on the bathroom cabinet and picking up a small wash cloth he plunged his hand into the water before gently wiping Kallan's back in small circular motions.

"what are you doing?" Kallan asked

"I would have thought it was pretty obvious" Chai Son laughed.

"I can bathe myself you know, I've been doing it a long time now" Kallan replied.

"you promised to give us a chance Kallan, I only have a narrow window of time here to show you my worth so from now until when your car is fixed, we are in a relationship" Chai Son said.

"but ..."

"but what?" Chai Son asked as he continued to soap Kallan's back.

"but ... I'm naked here" Kallan exclaimed.

"true, would you like me to remove my clothes as well to make it fair" Chai Son said smiling.

"no, I'd like you to leave the room" Kallan said.

"but I'm taking care of my baby" Chai Son replied.

"Chai Son" Kallan said

"yes baby"

"thank you for the wine and the back rub but please could you give me a little privacy" Kallan said.

"spoilsport" Chai Son replied before squeezing the wash cloth out and hanging it in on the side of the bath.

He retrieved his wine and left the bathroom pouting as he closed the door behind him then Kallan felt guilty for evicting him, what the heck was that all about?

What Chai Son had suggested was unconventional and in a crazy kind of way it made sense, to Chai Son anyway. He wanted them to act as lovers from now until he drove away in his car with the option of continuing the relationship going forward.

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