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Wilhelm's POV:

Me and Simon had just arrived at the English airport and we were waiting in the baggage claim.

"Here's my one!" Simon said, reaching for a large, purple suitcase. I leaned over his arms and helped him pick it up.

"Here, let me." I placed it onto the ground and then spotted mine, grabbing it quickly. I looked up to see Simon staring at me with loving eyes. I slowly pulled him in for a kiss but he backed up a little.

"What if someone sees?" He said, looking worried.

"We're in England, who cares. Let them watch," I said, smirking. I planted a soft kiss on his lips which earned a few judgey looks. Totally worth it.

I walked Simon over to his cab and paid his driver in advance. He gave me a passionate goodbye kiss before slowly getting into the car.

"See you soon Wille." He said, grinning.

"See you soon." I grinned back. The cab took off.


I got out of my taxi after paying him in the confusing English pounds. I wasn't exactly sure which house was my host's, so I reopened the email that said all the details about them.

Nick Nelson, aged 17, House number 45 on Brown street.

Yess, I was at the right one. I slowly made my way up to the door, my suitcase being dragged and my backpack on my back. I heard some voices inside, but knocked anyways.
I was greeted by a buff, red-haired teenager who looked about the same age as me.

"Hello! You must be Nick!"

"Yup, that's me! What should I call you?" He seemed so nice already. I had a feeling we would get along.

"My names Wilhelm, but you can call me Wille." I smiled at him happily, but he seemed kind of surprised. I realized that he must have heard of me.

"As in the crown prince of Sweden?" He asked, staring at me, his jaw on the floor.

"Haha, I guess so. But I don't want you to feel weird about it. Treat me as you would treat any other guest!" He looked at me with a soft expression.

"Omg I'm so sorry I'm being so rude. Come in, come in!" Nick said, gesturing for me to go inside and taking my suitcase for me. "This is my mum, Sarah," he pointed to a lovely woman sitting at the table. "And this is my brother, David." He seemed less pleased to be introducing his brother.
I looked at the table and saw a wide spread of delicious looking food.

"Oh wow you didn't have to do all this!" I said, very grateful.

"No problem. Just enjoy!" He replied, sitting down and gesturing for me to do the same. David seemed like a grump, and went straight to his room after he finished his food. Sarah seemed nice though!
We chatted and shared stories for a while, and after all the plates had been scraped clean, he showed me to his room.

"I'm sorry you don't get your own room since David is staying here, but you can take my bed." He said, looking very apologetic.

"No I couldn't! I can sleep down here!" I said, pointing to the mattress on the floor. I really didn't mind where I slept, and I didn't want him to sacrifice his bed for me.

"I insist, just take it!" He replied. I was very tired from the trip and didn't have the energy to argue, so I got changed in the bathroom and went straight to sleep, excited for my England adventures.

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