A hand to hold - Jeongbin

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Little: Jeongin

Caregiver: Changbin


Changbin and Jeongin were having a little coffee date together. They had been working together writing some lyrics for some new compositions that Chan made for some amount of hours before ultimately deciding that it was time for a break.

The two were enjoying the comfortable silence between them as they each sipped the last of their own drinks, both fairly exhausted from their hard work. A few minutes after finishing their drinks, Changbin broke the silence.

"I guess we should head back to the company," Changbin and Jeongin both stood up from their seats in the booth they were sitting in, "Thankfully most of the work is finished, so we shouldn't need to be there long." Changbin adds while silently taking Jeongin's empty cup from him to throw away, the younger muttering a small 'thank you' in response.

Standing up made Jeongin realize just how out of it he was. He initially hadn't felt little when getting up that morning, but working for so long on those lyrics was so mentally taxing that he practically jumped at the opportunity to get some caffeine with Changbin. Jeongin thought the caffeine would fix his problem, but even now he still feels just as exhausted as he had before.

Jeongin knew they had to go back to the company. He knew the rest of those lyrics aren't gonna just write themselves. But he can't help the temptation to just let his mind slip for a bit. Surely when they get back to the company he'll be able to pull himself out of his headspace and continue working.

By this point, the two were waiting for the crosswalk. There was a large crowd of people surrounding the two of them waiting as well. Not wanting to get separated from his hyung, Jeongin reached his hand out and gently grasped Changbin, the older quickly grabbing his hand back in response. Jeongin instantly relaxed at how warm and safe it felt to hold his hyungies hand.

It took Changbin about two seconds to realize something had to be wrong for Jeongin to initiate skinship with him. Glancing over Changbin saw the somewhat dazed and faraway look in Jeongin's eyes and immediately recognized that the younger had slipped.

As the crosswalk light turned green, Changbin started guiding the two of them across while debating to himself on what to do. Should he bring Jeongin back to the company? Would he be able to get work done knowing Jeongin is little? Should he call one of the members to pick him up?

With the seemingly endless amount of possibilities and scenarios running through Changbin's head, he ultimately decided to just take him back to the dorms and care for him there. They got more than enough work done for today and the company can go cry about the fact that a few songs won't be ready to demo for a few more days for all changbin cares. (There's a sinister part of him on the inside that enjoys making them wait longer anyway.)

Keeping this decision in mind, Changbin made a left turn rather than a right one in favor of taking his little buddy home. Jeongin didn't seem to notice the difference, simply just blindly following Changbin wherever he guided them all while looking in awe at all of the different window displays of nearby shops.

It wasn't until they were probably ten steps away from the front door of 3racha and hyunjin's dorm that Jeongin realized where they were.

"hyungie, why are we at your house?" Jeongin asks, and Changbin does his absolute best not to coo at the way he called him 'hyungie'. Changbin is so down bad for his little baby.

"We're here because hyungie decided that we've done enough work for today and can take an even longer break." Changbin replied as he opened the door wide enough for them both to walk in.

Changbin takes notice that the house seems to be empty of his other dorm mates, meaning they all probably went to get some dinner or something since not a single one of them can really cook a decent meal without the help of Minho.

"Let's get your shoes off baby." Changbin said after taking off his own shoes. He moves to let go of Jeongins hand, the younger still holding on even after arriving at the dorms, but was met with resistance and a whiny 'no' from Jeongin which absolutely shocked Changbin.

Jeongin, even when regressed, was never one for skinship or physical contact of any sort. He always moved away from any sort of advances of physical touch, and one of his favorite games to play when he's little is one they call 'run away' where the whole premise of the game is to run away from one of the members who's trying to hug him.

"Can hyungie let go of innie's hand? I wanna help take your shoes off, sweets," Changbin said, and Jeongin just pouted and shook his head in response, "You just wanna keep holding hyungies hand?" Changbin asked, and Jeongin nodded enthusiastically, his pout disappearing.

'Well, one hand should be fine. It can't be that hard to take off his shoes.' Changbin thought to himself while moving to untie Jeongin's shoe laces.

Thankfully, he didn't seem to have too much of an issue. Jeongin seemed to be wearing relatively normal shoes, so he was grateful he didn't have to stare at a pair of shoes and wonder how the heck they worked.

"Okay, what would you like to do, bub?" Changbin asked while attempting to walk the two of them closer to their living room area to go see what toys or activities Jeongin would like to do only to, once again, be met with resistance, but this time for a different reason.

When Changbin looked back at Jeongin to see why he wasn't walking, he saw Jeongin's hand, the one he wasn't holding, reaching out towards him as if Jeongin was asking to be picked up. Changbin stared at him dumbstruck. Jeongin was just full of surprises today.

When Changbin didn't immediately lift Jeongin into his arms like the little was hoping he would, his eyes started tearing up. He just wants to be close and snuggle against his hyungie, it wasn't that shocking, was it? Sure he didn't usually like physical contact, but he's allowed to want it.

Upon seeing Jeongin's tears, Changbin snapped out of his initial shock and quickly lifted the little so he was resting on his hip. Jeongin, now content that he was being held by Changbin, nuzzled his face into the rapper's shoulder.

"Does my baby just wanna snuggle with hyungie for a bit?" Changbin asked while carrying the little over to their couch and was confused when Jeongin shook his head 'no'.

"wanna snuggle with hyungie for a lots." Jeongin said, and Changbin's heart about melted on the spot.

'I guess even people like Innie just need to be held every now and then.' Changbin thinks to himself fondly while snuggling close to his little baby.


Hope you enjoyed! ~ ✨

I felt very inspired because I saw someone comment and hint towards my absolute LACK of caregiver Changbin (obviously in a very nice way haha)! I literally was like 'no that can't be right, surely I have cg Changbin in here' 🤔 and checked and was like 'OMG I literally have NO cg Changbin in here 😱 so I have now repented for my sins by writing this little beauty 😇

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