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Richie came to pick me up from that place. He took me to his own apartment and asked about Mom. She was his main concern, so I didn't share the real ordeal I had been through. I needed him to come get me.

"Why did you let her die like that?" Richie's voice escalated. "You should've called me earlier, Becky! I had no idea!"

He blamed me for what happened, oblivious to the fact that he played a part in Mom's sickness and depression, leading her to leave this world.

"You didn't ask. You didn't care about what we were doing," I cried.

The pain inside me was overwhelming—Richie and Non leaving me, Mom's death, Freen's lies, the harassment, and now the blame for Mom's death. It felt like I couldn't do anything right. I just wanted happiness and peace.

"Why didn't you call me? That's all I'm asking, Bec! I wish I could've said goodbye!" He yelled.

Tears streamed down my face. "I couldn't say mine too, Richie. I went back home from the pharmacy to get her medicine. Why are you blaming me? I'm not the one who killed her!"

"Yes, you are! If you hadn't chosen to leave her that day. If you hadn't left her for that organization, nothing bad would have happened. You knew she was lonely, but you still left?" He huffed and angrily threw a bottle of beer against the wall, shattering it on the floor.

"I'm sorry," I cried, conceding. How could I explain myself? How could I make him listen?

"And now you're calling me and crying? If I didn't owe Mom, I would definitely not let you stay in my place, Bec. Damn you!" He yelled before storming into his room.

I sat on the floor, hugging myself, crying myself to sleep without revealing the details of my night to Richie.

Weeks passed, but Richie still didn't talk to me properly. He continued blaming me for our mother's death, but I chose to ignore him. I couldn't find a way to make him listen.

One morning, the phone rang, and since Richie wasn't around, I answered.

"Hello, is this Becky?" Granny's voice on the other end made me smile.

"Hi, Granny. Yes, it's me. How are you?" I asked.

"Finally, I thought I didn't know how to use this." Granny laughed, and I joined in. "Anyway, I got your number from your friend's father. What's his name again? Non?"

"Ah, yes. He is Non. How is he?" I inquired, smiling.

"They left weeks ago and just came back now," Granny informed me. "They are fine. However, Becky, your other friend isn't."

"Other friend?" I asked, puzzled. Irin?

"Yes, the girl you're always taking to the shore?" she said. "She kept on coming here looking for you, and since I didn't know where you are because you just vanished one night, I didn't know what to say."

"Ah." I muttered. "Why is she looking for me?"

"I don't know. She only left me an envelope, saying that if I could keep in touch with you, I should give you this."

"You can throw it, Granny. I don't want to hear anything from her. Especially from her uncle." I sighed.

"Becky, she's sad," Granny informed me. "Her eyes were swelling last night when she came here. She looked devastated. Are you sure you don't want to hear anything about her?"

"Where is she now?" I asked.

"I saw her last night going to the sea. I think it was almost midnight. But she didn't come back. I asked Non if he saw someone, but he said nothing. Then this morning..." Granny paused.

"What happened?"

"Non saw her, Becky." She sighed. "But... she's gone."

"What? What do you mean gone, Granny?" My hands trembled. "Where is she?"

"She drowned herself. Non was too late to save her." After hearing that, I ended the call and took a taxi. I didn't care about the cost; I needed to check if Granny was telling the truth. Maybe she mistook someone for Freen.

When I arrived, I saw a crowd at the shore. I pushed through to find the girl Granny was talking about.

The truth shocked me. Granny was right. Freen was right there on the shore, lifeless. My tears fell as I covered my mouth in shock. She really drowned herself.

I rushed to her side, crying. My heart pounded, trying to make sense of what had happened. I knew there was no use, but I kept holding on.

"FREEN!" I yelled and cried hard. "FREEN, WAKE UP!" I shook her body, but to no avail. "PLEASE, WAKE UP!"

"Becky!" Non ran towards me to pull me away from Freen's body, but I resisted.

"Please, Non. She needs to wake up! She needs me. She's looking for me. She's here because of me. Please, Non!" I begged him as I brushed my palms together. "I want to see her."

Non prevented his tears and stopped pulling me. I went back to Freen and hugged her tightly once again. Her body was cold. This wasn't her temperature the last time I hugged her.

If only I didn't leave that night. Would she have come to me and said everything would be fine? Would my brother blame me? Would she be alive today? I wept loudly as the realization hit me. It was so heavy. I couldn't contain this.

"Becky," Granny called me, and I looked at her. "Let's have a coffee first. Let Non take care of it." Granny extended her hand, and I accepted it.

I glanced at Non while they were carrying Freen's body to the ambulance. The information hadn't sunk in.

"Freen left this for you. I'll go outside for you to read it," Granny excused herself.

My hands were still trembling as I opened the envelope. It contained money and a letter.


I know you're mad at me for lying and everything. I am so sorry. I heard what my uncle had done to you, so I looked for you everywhere. I kept coming back to your house, fearing my uncle would do something bad to you. I didn't want you to experience what I've gone through. I didn't want your future to be ruined by him. This money is compensation for what he did. It's not enough, but I'm sorry if I can't earn more.

Becky, where are you? Why did you leave me? You are the only one I can hold onto. The night my uncle abused me, tortured me, and almost killed me. Where are you? I hate you for leaving me, Bec. But I can't blame you. You were hurt, traumatized. But why? Why didn't you say goodbye? I miss you so much, each night, each day. I didn't know where to hold on.

I am so done with this life, Bec. I forgive you for leaving me. But please, forgive me too. If there's no future for us. But before I end my letter, I just want to say that in that short period of time, I fell in love with you. I know you don't feel the same, but I still want to tell you. I love you, Bec. I do.

- Freen.

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