~ I become overprotective ~

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Diana's POV:

It wasn't the long walk down the gigantic walkway with weird gawking faces that made me nervous. It wasn't the talking hat, or rather, screaming hat, that asked weird questions about Griffins, ravens and slithering. It wasn't even the fact that my brother was put in a different house than me, especially considering he was the only relatable one in this place. Well, apart from Snowflake. What really racked my nerves was that someone-some dude-had forcibly taken my sister out of the Great Hall. I nudge Damon, who sits next to me. He turns around exasperatedly.

"Who's that?" I ask him. Damon rolls his eyes.

"Ernie," he states bluntly, and turns back around to talk to Theodore.

"Ernie? What type of name is that?" I question. If he was at camp, he'd be the laughing-stock just because of his name. Damon ignores me. I nudged him again.

"What now?" he scolds angrily.

"Where is he taking Alizah?. And why?" I demand. Damon shugs.

"I dunno. He's her boyfriend. It's none of my business," he answers.

"She doesn't look happy," I say.

"Like I said, not my problem," Damon replies.

"She doesn't want to go with him," I argue.

"I don't care!" he exclaimed.

"You should!" I return. He rolls his eyes.

"Right," Damon replies and turns back around. I pull him back.

"You're her brother. You should care," I say to him, trying to make him understand. Damon turns around again.

"You can play big sister all you want. I'm not getting myself into that mess," he argues. I frown. What did he mean by 'that mess'. I didn't care.

"Fine!" I say and stand up, walking towards the giant doors that Alizah and Ernie had walked through. To my surprise, though not really, they started closing. I took a glance around, but no one was paying attention to me. Except for one pompous, pink lady city at the corner. I frown. No way was I letting her beat me. I speed up. The door speeds up as well. I start jogging. The door closes faster. It had almost shut. I sprint and slide in between the doors. 

"Take that Pink Panther," I mutter under my breath. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice from the end of the hallway.

"And don't think I don't see you flirting with Hannah Abbott. If you like her so much, why don't you leave me and go to her?" I hear Alizah say. Frowning, I walk towards the source. The scene horrified me. Ernie was choking my sister. A weird rage bubbles inside me. A rage I had only felt once before. When Silena had died. I march over to them, but they don't notice me. Ernie lifts his hand up and Alizah closes her eyes. I grab his arm firmly and push it down. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" I growl, pushing him away and standing protectively in front of Alizah. Ernie looks up at me, anger bubbling in his eyes. I glare back, the same rage inside me, maybe more. 

"Who are you to tell me?" he demands. "This is between us. It's none of your business." Ernie continues. 

"She's my sister. Her business is my business. Especially if some overgrown toad is abusing her," I snarl back. Ernie turns red, his eyes bulging.

"I'm warning you. Leave. I don't want to fight with a girl." I laugh mockingly.

"Scared, Ernie?" I taunt. He growls and pulls out his wand, waving it threateningly. I raise an eyebrow.

Trouble | Fem!OC X HogwartsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα