~ Invisible Horses and Loony Lovegood ~

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Diana's POV:

I stared at myself in the long mirror as the train chugged on and on. The uniform was comfortable enough, but the skirt was appallingly short, a concern I actively voiced to Alizah, who just laughed, saying that it was perfectly fine. I guess we had different definitions of short. For me, it was short if it didn't reach knee-length. I wanted to grab a pair of tights from my trunk, but I wasn't bothered searching through it. The long socks covered up most of my legs, so that was an upside. I had on a button-up shirt with a gray sweater on top. This was all topped with a long robe. I felt like I was going to a posh, British school for rich people. In a sense, I was. Except it was a school for magical rich people.

"Hurry up, Diana!" Alizah says angrily. I frown at the mirror once more. These clothes were also useless for combat. How were you supposed to fight with a robe flying behind you???? And I hated buttons.

"Coming!" I say, grabbing my bracelets and walking out of the bathroom.

"Took you long enough!" She says with a sigh and a pout.

"I'm sorry, but I was too busy rethinking my life decisions," I snark back annoyedly.

"You guys should hurry, or we'll lose the carriages," a curly headed girl says to Alizah, who nods and looks at me pointedly. I roll my eyes at her and gesture for her to go ahead, following behind with a laugh. We separated when she went off with some dude. I headed back towards Adrien and Damon.

"Wow, Ana. Looking good," Theo says, eyeing me up and down. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Shut up, Theo," I reply grumpily. He holds up hands in surrender with a smug smile.

"Let's go, Nott, or we'll miss the carriages," Draco huffs in annoyance, heading towards one of the exits. Theo turns around and follows Draco. Damon follows suit, as do the other boys. Me and Adrien go last, following behind uncertainly. We head towards a field. Some younger kids, maybe eleven, were herded together by a really tall guy with a bushy beard and long hair. All things aside, he looked very huggable. We walked past everyone and towards a secluded, forest-y place. That's when I saw the coolest sight.

"What. Are. Those," I breathe out in surprise.

"Carriages that drive themselves. Cool, right?" Theo replies, hands on his hips. I look up at him and shake my head.

"No, not the carriages. The things driving them," I say to him. He looks at me, then laughs.

"Nothing is driving the carriages, Diana. They literally drive themselves," Damon says with a scoff. I glare at him.

"Can't you see those black horse thingies?" I ask incredulously. The boys look at each other and then burst out laughing. All accept for Mattheo, who still looks angry, and Tom, who looks at me curiously.

"There are no black horses. Now get on a carriage before they leave," Damon says between laughs and heads towards a carriage, the boys behind him. I look at Adrien, who shakes his head, clearly saying that he can't see them either. I huff and head towards one of the creatures. The bony Pegasus thingies huff at me. I hold my hand out, reaching forward to make sure that they are real and not my imagination. The thing sniffs my hand tentatively, then rubs its snout in my palm. I let out a small laugh. I wasn't hallucinating.

"You can see them too," a soft voice says from behind me. I turn around in surprise to find an eccentric looking girl with long, almost white locks of hair and carrot earrings. She also had these weird glasses of her forehead. If you could call them glasses. You couldn't see out of them.

"Yeah, ummm...why?" I ask curiously. A group of people walk up behind her.

"Is this carriage empty?" A bespectacled boy with messy, jet black hair and a very British accent asks the girl. He was kinda cute. The girl looks at me curiously.

"She can see the Thestrals too, Harry," she says to the boy. He also looks at me curiously.

"The Thestrals? Is that what these things are called? And why are they so special?" I say in complete confusion.

"Yes. They are called Thestrals. And they can only be seen by people who have witnessed death," she says, almost casually. I stare at her.

"Witnessed death?" I remark. She nods vigorously.

"Yep. For me, it was my mum. For Harry here, it was Cedric Diggory," she says. The boy, Harry, flinches slightly at the name. Looks like it was a sensitive topic.

"What about you?" She asks. I look at her in confusion.

"Who did you see?" She says. I look at her, then look down, images of Luke and Ethan, Silena and Charles, and Lee and Michael, flashing through my mind.

"Does it matter who she saw, Loon- I mean Luna?" The same curly haired girl from before says as Alizah comes to stand beside me.

"That's Luna Lovegood, but people mostly call her Loony. She's a bit weird, I guess," Alizah whispers to me. I scrunch my eyebrows together. She didn't seem weird. OK, she was a bit eccentric. She seemed smart, though.

"Diana!" Theo calls out from another carriage. I whip around to find him waving and gesturing for me to come. I look at Luna apologetically.

"Maybe we can continue this conversation some other time. I gotta go now," I say to Luna, heading towards the boys' carriage. Before leaving, though, I see the group share uncertain glances as they look between me and Theo. I choose to ignore them.

I quickly sit inside the carriage just as it's about to leave. Sighing in relief, I prepare for the carriage to move when it does something else. It flies. I gasp slightly and grab the arm of the person next to me. Said person laughs amusedly, and the smell of cigarettes and cologne fills my nose. Of course. Just my luck. It was Mattheo. I quickly remove my hand and look around to find if another seat is vacant. Of course, there wasn't. The Fates absolutely loved me, didn't they?

"Scared love?" Mattheo whispers in my ear. I look up to meet his eyes, our faces inches away from each other.

"You wish, Mattheo. And I'm not your 'love'," I growl aggressively. He laughs slightly.

"Whatever you say, love," he says again. I clench my fists is anger. I could feel the magic coursing through me. Blue mist already covered my fists. I took a deep breath. No way was I letting him get to me. We spend the rest of the ride in an awkward silence. Well, not them. Just me. The rest of the boys were joking around, talking about which girl was the cutest and when they would hold parties. When the carriage finally lands, I'm the first one out. I take a deep breath in, clearing the smell from my nose. Adrian hops off next to me.

"You good? You looked pretty angry," he says quietly. I roll my eyes.

"Did you see who I was sitting next to. The most annoying person in the history of annoying," I say. I'm pretty sure I'm exaggerating, but I don't care. Adrien scoffs.

"Clearly, you haven't talked to Octavian. Mattheo seemed pretty chill," he says with a shrug.

"Adrian and Diana Black?" A voice says from behind us. We turn around to find a wizened woman with a giant pointed hat and impeccable hair. She looked at us in question. I could feel the air of authority around her. I immediately liked her.

"Yes. I'm Diana. And this is Adrien," I say, pointing at myself, then at Adrien, who waves uncertainly.

"Great! Follow me," she says and turns swiftly on her heels, heading back into the crowd. I share a look with Adrien. Then we both quickly follow hee, heading away from the boys. I know it seems foolish to follow some random person away towards some desolate place. But I'm a foolish kid with ADHD and 50% dyslexia. Foolish is what I do best.


So that's this chapter. I know it's short

Lmk what you think

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