~ We run through a wall ~

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Adrien's POV:

We walk out Ollivander's Wand shop with our brand new wands. Mine was an Alder wood wand with a unicorn hair core. Apparently, its ideal owner is a kind, considerate, and helpful person. Diana says it matches me perfectly. Her wand is a willow wood wand with a Phoenix feather core. That wand supposedly doesn't work for anyone but their owner and is very unique, but also very powerful. It mostly goes to people destined for greatness. When Diana heard that, she just rolled her eyes and muttered how she hated life. I don't know why. She was so amazing. Everyone loved her. Why would she hate her life.

I still can't believe I met her. The Diana Black. The girl who beat both Reyna and Jason and somehow still ended up being one of their best friends. I'd always wanted to meet her. I saw her a couple of times when I was at Camp Half-blood but never had the courage to talk to her. And now I find out the she's my sister. How amazing is that?

I don't know how to feel about the other two. Alizah is nice enough. She's smart, too. She knows about everything, and everyone. And she's so kind. She kinda looks like me, too. Damon, on the other hand, is different. He's rude, sarcastic, and annoying. He reminds me of Octavian. I just smile in return like Lupa told me to, but it hurts when people blatantly show that they hate you. But I guess he's the same with everyone. Another reason to like Diana is that she doesn't get intimated by him. Instead, she looks him straight in the eye and sasses right back. I wish I could do that. Maybe she'll teach me.

We walk into a bunch of other shops. Shops for brooms (Damon was very interested). Shops for cosmetics and related stuff (Alizah took ages!). Shops for books (Diana loved that one). None of that stuff interested me, but Alizah told me all the history and facts behind them, so that was fun. But finally we got to a shop that I enjoyed. It was a shop filled with animals. Cats, owls, toads, and much more. I look excitedly at all the animals, pointing at a few cute ones.

"You love animals, don't you," Diana says with a soft laugh. I nod vigorously. She smiles and comes to my side, pointing at the ones that she thinks I should buy. I look over every single animal until I find the perfect one. It's a beautiful white and brown kitten that meowls softly when I approach it.

"That's the one you like?" Diana asks me. I nod, and she smiles, reaching her hand into the cage. The kitten approaches her carefully, sniffing her hand. Then it rubs against her hand and purrs softly as Diana scratches it behind its ears. Damon huffs loudly and impatiently. Diana glares at him, and he looks away, but I can tell that he is scared. As a Roman, we were taught how to read body language.

"Mom! Can we buy this one?" Diana calls out, pointing at the kitten. Mom ambles over and regards the cat.

"Isn't it too small?" She asks skeptically. I frown. I knew what was coming next. She wasn't gonna buy it. Diana raises an eyebrow.

"And?" She asks. Mom looks at her in exasperation.

"He's going to school. A school for wizards. And that's a kitten," mom says annoyedly.

"So what? If he wants it, he'll get it," she says demandingly, putting a protective arm around my shoulder. Mom sighs, knowing that Diana wasn't going to budge. She gestures to one of the store owners. She's an old woman with a wart on her nose and half missing teeth. She picks up the kitten and takes it to the counter. We follow, and mom quickly pays for it with gold coins. Diana picks up the kitten and pets it as it purrs softly. She then hands it to me. I grab it excitedly and cradle it in my arms.

"You're good with animals, right?" I ask Diana. She shrugs.

"Somewhat, yeah," she replies bashfully.

"Aren't you gonna buy a pet?" I ask her curiously. Diana laughs slightly and shakes her head.

"I already have one," she answers and pulls out a pure white polecat. He was adorable.

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