~ Being a demigod sucks ~

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"You dont have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great."


Diana's POV:

I follow the infamous Latino Elf to the Big House, Nico, and Will following behind. Clarisse had stayed behind to deal with the spooked new campers. Poor girl. Luckily, my cabin didn't have any new recruits. Not that I would care anyway. I don't hang out with the kids from my cabin. They think magic is amazing, and you don't need to learn anything else. I think the opposite. Magic is unreliable, unruly, and too emotional. Weapons don't depend on feelings. They depend on skill. Skill is something everyone can have.

When we reach the giant building, the only thing that's more than one story tall is Leo stopping in front of the dark door and fiddling nervously with an aluminum windmill. Where did he get that from? After a few minutes, my impatient nature kicks in. "Did you bring us here to marvel at the Big House door? Because trust me, no one wants to do that," I say sarcastically. Leo looks at me in annoyance, "I don't want to see Rachel spewing green smoke from her mouth. It's unsettling, but I guess you wouldn't know that," he snarks, shivering slightly when he mentions the green smoke. I roll my eyes, "At least it's Rachel, not some 70 year old dead mummy. But I guess you wouldn't know what that was like," I reply back, thinking of the year when the mummy came out of the attic and onto the field where Thalia and Percy were fighting and I was trying to stop them. The Ares Cabin had started cheering Thalia on, and the Hermes Cabin had started placing bets. Those were the good old days. I sigh in rememberance and then frown, and Leo remains standing in his position but nervously fiddles and fidgets around.

Guess I have to do this myself

I walk to the front of the wooden door. I could hear muffled whispering from the other side. I caught a few words; prophecy, Diana, impossible. I burst through the door in anger, and a deafening hush fell over the gathered demigods, which included the Heroes of Olympus and Reyna, who shot me a small smile before turning back to Chiron. "If you want to say something about me, say it in front of me," I demand angrily. The Percabeth duo looks at each other nervously and then turns to me. "It's nothing like that. We were just discussing a prophecy that Rac -" Annabeth starts, but I rudely cut her off, "And you think that I can't do, right?" I probably shouldn't have been that harsh, but maybe the hunger was getting to me. "It's nothing like that, Ana. Rachel said that the prophecy can only be said to you. We were only worried," Reyna says to me softly. "I don't need you guys to be worried for me. I can take care of myself," I reply defiantly. "Calm down, amigo. It's not that much of a big deal," Leo says from behind me.

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