crazy mf: damn sorry didnt think about how you would feel about that..
crazy mf: ...
crazy mf: im kidding im not sorry for shit!

guitar: okay..
guitar: well cant go back now

crazy mf: nope! guess they all know now!

guitar: yh

crazy mf: wait tf is going on in the gc..

total drama gc

(btw this is the middle of a conversation/argument, so it wont make sense at first..)

Duncan: just tell me goddammit.

Noah: no
Noah: you literally dont need to know.
Noah: stop being so fucking nosy.

Duncan: why cant i know?
Duncan: u seem very protective about whatever this is.

Noah: well what if i said its private matters?
Noah: just back off cunt.

Izzy: woah woah what is happening here

Noah: this mf wants to know what happened yesterday..

Duncan: come on it cant be that bad.
Duncan: or that private.

Izzy: omg trent tell ur boyfriend to shut up.

Trent: okay just because the secret is out now doesnt mean you can keep on saying ab it.
Trent: also duncan shut up it could be something serious so back off of it.

Duncan: woah woah wdym 'the secret is out now'?

Trent: yeah what was said earlier.. basically everyone will find out about us..
Trent: its not my fault that people know though. im not the one who said it in the first place.

Duncan: so basically everyone knows about us?

Trent: yeah.

Duncan: yk what
Duncan: i fucking hate all of you go kill yourselves
Duncan: (not you thought trent you didnt do anything wrong)
Duncan is offline

Izzy: oh..!

Noah: finally someone agrees that i should kill myself-

Izzy: noah stfu.. dont kys..
Izzy: ...

Noah: okay calm it.

Trent: idek what is happening anymore-
Trent: guess ill go offline cause yeah
Trent: bye guys :/

Izzy: bye!

Noah: bye.

Trent is offline

Izzy: anyways so noah..

Noah: shut up izzy..

Izzy: hmmmm
Izzy: wanna meet up again?

Noah: after yesterday? fuck no.

Izzy: okay, maybe not immediately..
Izzy: next week?

Noah: ...
Noah: fine.
Noah: only because youll keep on asking.

Izzy: yay!!
Izzy: bring ur bf with you!!
Noah deleted Izzy's message

Noah: im so glad nobody else was online to see that.
Noah: nobody is meant to know yet.

Izzy: whoops! my bad!
Izzy: ...
Izzy: jk idgaf!

Noah: ...
Noah: anyways.
Noah: bye i guess.

Izzy: bye!

Noah is offline

Izzy is offline

idek what i was doing with this, i just wanted a chapter on here i guess-

(oh yh this bit is ab to be kinda long.. kind of a like a little rant about this book? anyways..)

this has to be the only one of my chat fics where theres some actual plot-
i mean theres probably other ones with somewhat if a plot, but everything leads onto something i guess..

alos im so sorry for adding duntrent to literally EVERY book i have.. my brain is rotting..

yes they will meet up again.. i will make that a chapter.. but not right away! i want another ship show before i do more with the other ship probably involved in when they meet up.. (noco ofc, also rotting my brain, but not as much as duntrent is..)

i actually regret so much in this book! for example, in literally like the first chapter, i made it so harold and leshawna were engaged.. i mean i like that for them but idk.. i just dont think they should be a thing in this.. sorry..

i might make them divorce.. if i remember to do it.. or if i wanna.. sorry..

also regret making duncan so hated in the beginning or just in general- (stop cause its annoying when ur opinions change and something u did before doesnt like match up with ur current opinion-)

this only came to mind because i had to search through this book to see if i had included a certain ship already that wouldnt make duntrent possible for this chapter or just in general- (i wanted to see if i included trustin, cause ik i have that ship in my other books for sure)

(after that it would have been 1111 words.. not now but yk!!)

idek why im still typing (or why i typed that..)

well bye ig!!

1139 words written

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