part 5

822 12 87

tw: alcohol

Noah's pov

I shock myself waking up. My phone alarm goes off, but from a distance. I though I had my phone right next to me? But then I realize where I am.

I'm somehow snuggled up against Cody, and we are holding each other. I don't make any sudden movements, despite feeling the urge to run away as far as I can.

As I'm trying to get up without disturbing Cody in his slumber, I feel my face growing hot. Am I... blushing? No, I can't be...

But I catch myself in some random ass mirror on the wall and, yes, I am indeed blushing. I try to distract myself from this feeling, but I can't. He was so warm, and...

I stop myself from thinking about it. I turn off my alarm and go through my messages from last night, realizing now how I'd gotten in that situation.

I saw a message from Izzy, in a private chat, of course. It read 'i made sure you two got a room together... you should totes use this as a chance to start something between yall'

Apparently, I had replied with 'what should I do?', to which she had replied to me saying 'when he goes to sleep, you should snuggle with him'.

I'm shocked as I'm reading this, the urge to run away growing stronger. Then I look in the group chat, and everything goes downhill. There is an image, a photo that she sent, and it's of me and Cody snuggling up against one another.

I freeze, almost dropping my phone. Imagine what Cody might think when he wakes up and sees this? I start typing on mine and Izzy's private messages, anger and fear blending together into one emotion inside of me.

Noah is online


Izzy: or what?

Noah: OR I'LL-



Izzy: how about... no? ☺️


Izzy: no need to get mad 😟

Noah is offline

I feel like I want to scream, die, disintegrate, all at once. I exit the room, leaving Cody in there, still asleep. The time is half past six in the morning. I march up to where Izzy and Eva are sleeping and, despite all of my inner rage, I knock gently on the door. I hear someone say 'come in' from the other side.

I enter the room and they are both awake. I close the door. I remember being told last night that the rooms are mostly soundproof, so we're safe from being heard.

"How could you Izzy..." I say, looking her in the eyes.

"Don't blame the player, blame the game..." she says, looking proud of herself.

"And what the fuck is that meant to mean?"

"I thought you were smart, you're meant to know what these things mean."

"And smart people know how to use them properly!" I'm on the brink of losing my patience and screaming at her, until Eva buts into the conversation:

"Don't lose your temper at each other, you might be disturbing the other people who are still sleeping..."

I ignore her and keep on talking, arguing with Izzy. Throughout the whole thing she seems so calm, collected and even happy, like she couldn't care less about it all.

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