part 6

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Izzy's pov:

When I hear my alarm, I practically spring out of my sleeping bag to turn it off. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I'm quite energetic anyways.

My alarm also wakes Eva up. Just like yesterday, she looks really tired when she wakes up, but everybody's different, I guess.

"Good morning!" I say to her, turning off the alarm as I do so.

"Good morning," she replies, getting out of bed, "could you tell me why your alarms are set so damn early?"

"I just like to wake up early, I guess you could say that I'm a morning person." I feel quite proud of myself when I say this, like a child who learnt to pronounce a new word.

"Well I'm not, but not much is going to stop you from having those stupid alarms anyways..."

We both get dressed. About ten minutes later, there's a knock on the door to the room.

"You can come in!" I say, and in comes a worried looking Cody.

"You okay Cody?" I ask, being genuine.

"I- uh, I can't put it into words really, but you have to see this."

Me and Eva both follow him downstairs, confused. The three of us enter the lounge, and now I know what Cody was on about. Noah was asleep on the floor, his back to the wall and his hand close to one of the glass bottles from last night. I though we had cleaned up all of the bottles, but I guess there was one we didn't see, and it must have been full, because there is a strong smell of alcohol in the room.

We rush over to him. He looks very tired, even in his sleep.

"And yes, he is still breathing, he's not dead, I checked." Cody adds.

"What should we do?" I ask, wanting to do anything I can to help him, assuming he needs help with anything at all.

"I would say wait for him to wake up, cause we have no idea what time he went to sleep last night." Eva says, which sounds like a good idea, so we do just that. Each one of us sits on the couch, waiting for him to wake up.

About half an hour later, probably around seven, he shows signs that he's waking up. I jump out of my seat, half glad that he's finally waking up, half scared that something bad might happen.

He starts to open his eyes, but he uses his hand to shield his eyes, and I assume it must be because the light from outside is quite bright.

He mumbles something, but I don't know what he's saying. I get down on his level, and by that I mean I crouch down to the floor.

"Noah? Are you okay?" I ask him, actually concerned.

"Izzy... I- I'm so sorry..." he says, moving his hand back down to the floor. He doesn't look good, he looks like he hasn't slept for days.

"You're sorry? Sorry for what?"

"I wasn't thinking..."

I know what he's talking about. And I know what he's done.

"It's okay Noah, it really is."

"It doesn't feel okay. And I don't feel okay, I feel like shit. It's all my fault..."

"Hey, it's not your fault, okay?" says Cody, walking over to me and Noah, "I know that it's not your fault, and please believe me when I say it, Noah."

Cody crouches down to the floor as well. Noah looks at him.

Noah brings his knees up to his chest, putting his head on them. He sighs, sounding defeated.

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