part 4

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(pov chapter finallyyy 🤩)

Cody's pov

As I approach the house, with Noah by my side, I feel nervous. It's been ages since I've seen most of these people, of course I'm gonna be scared to see them again.

Aside from that, I'm actually kind of excited. I wonder how much they've changed, or if they've changed at all.

I must look scared for this though, as Noah asks me if I'm alright.

"I'm fine, it's just I haven't seen most of these people in years – what if they've changed a lot?"

"Well, I haven't seen most of these people in years. You've just got to imagine they're like they used to be. It seems to be working for me." He puts his hands in his pockets.

"Good idea. What would I do without you, eh?" I playfully shove him a bit with my elbow. He doesn't look back at me.

We arrive at the entrance and Noah sends a text in the group chat saying that we're here. We come in and we're greeted by Tyler. I'm surprised by how big his house is. We have a look around by ourselves. Courtney, Gwen, Duncan, Trent and Justin were all already there when we came in, and once we were done looking around, Izzy, Eva and Owen had come too.

About half an hour later, everyone had arrived, the last two being Heather and Lindsay. We spent the next few hours meeting each other again, exchanging hugs, talking about our lives after Total Drama, etcetera.

We talk to each other until it starts to get dark, which is quite early seeing as its the middle of autumn.

We order pizza and start talking about random things while we wait for it to arrive.

"Ooo ooo I have a good questionnnn!" Izzy says while bouncing up and down energetically.

"Who are you guys all dating? Or do you have a crush on anyone?" She grins.

"Well, you guys already know about me and Courtney..." Gwen says, leaning her head on Courtney.

"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTEEEE!" Izzy screams, "Anyone else?"

We learn that Bridgette and Geoff are together, Sadie and Katie got together, and that Tyler has a crush on someone. He won't tell us who, but all we know is that it's a man.

"I thought you only liked girls, amigo." Alejandro said, smirking at him. Tyler turned away from him, hiding his face. I'm pretty sure everyone could tell by that point, but I'm almost certain that Tyler's crush is Alejandro.

I mean, I wouldn't blame him. He is kinda hot to be honest with you...

When it got around to me and Noah, he was asked first. He claimed that he had no crushes, but that he was gay.

Izzy was about to say something, but he cut her off.

"And Izzy, don't even start. I know what you're about to say, so shush."

She didn't look sad, in fact, her smile grew even wider, making her look like she was up to something.

Next it was my turn. I felt my palms get sweaty. As I was about to answer, the doorbell rang. I was glad I didn't have to answer, but then again I would have to later anyways.

It was the pizza arriving, obviously, so everyone was excited. We all ate quite quickly, leaving time for everyone to finish their 'confessions'.

I don't eat much as I'm scared for my 'confession'. All I have to do is tell them I'm gay, well, bi, that's it. No pressure. No strings attached. Nothing else to add.

But what if I tell them? What if I accidentally give away my secret? I'm kind of shaking at this point. It must be obvious, I can feel Noah's eyes on me. I'm about to turn around, look back at him, but he's looked away by then, so I abandon the idea.

The time comes around and I try to calm myself.

"So, where were we?" Izzy asks herself, "Ah, yes. Cody. Tell us about your love life..." She looks at me like she's about to tell everyone about me secret, even though she doesn't know about it. Or does she? Did I tell her? Or am I being dumb...

I realize everyone is waiting on me.

"Oh, uhhh..." I can feel everyone's eyes on me.

"I'm bi. That's it, aha..." I'm less tense now, I can finally breathe. When could I not? I can't remember...

"What about lovers? You with anyone?" She glances at Noah for half a second, leaving me slightly confused, "Or you got any crushes?"

"I- uhhhhm I..." I'm a nervous wreck right now, I can't do this, but I have to.

"Nobody! Yeah... it's nobody. Don't have any lovers, no crushes, nothing..." I try to smile, make it seem like everything is okay.

"Okay then..." Izzy asks the next person, and everything goes back to normal. I feel a whole lot of relief, yet something inside of me isn't quite settled yet.

As the last person is finishing their 'confession', the sun has finally gone down. We are all assigned rooms, the couples obviously put together. At some point, I catch Izzy whispering something to Tyler, while he nods.

In the end, me and Noah end up staying in the living room. I'm half glad, half terrified. At least I know him better than I know everyone else, but the feeling that something is wrong sticks in my head all night.

Everybody changes into their pajamas, says goodnight to one another, and goes their seperate ways.

Me and Noah look at each other for a few seconds until he looks away and gets ready to sleep.

"Goodnight, Cody." He says to me, and I almost don't realize he's said it.

"Oh, yeah, goodnight Noah." I reply.

Obviously we're both laying down on the couch, which is one big L-shape, so we get one end each. When I turn the light off in the room, everything seems so quiet, so still.

The air feels weird, everything feels so strange. It must be that I'm not used to it, that's all.

I lay down and try to sleep, but I can't. After five minutes, I can see a light coming from the other end of the room. I don't sit up, I already know what it is. Noah is on his phone. I can vaguely see, from where I am, what he's doing. He's typing, texting someone.

I try to ignore it, turning over to my other side. A few minutes later, the light is gone. I turn back around and I see that Noah is now laying down, probably trying to go to sleep like I am.

About ten minutes later, as I'm finally drifting off to sleep, I get this warm feeling, as if someone is snuggling up against me? Again, I try to ignore it, but it feels weird. It feels weird, but it feels right. By this point I'm practically half-asleep, so I'm no longer in control of my body, yet I'm aware of what's happening. I can feel myself getting closer to whatever is warm, holding it close to my own body.

In the split-second before I fall asleep fully, there is some sort of flash, but by the time it's over I am already asleep, now in my own world, my own head.


One of my favorite chapters I've ever written tbh. Sorry that it's kind of a cliffhanger, in a way... I hope it's a good story so far, I know that I'm enjoying it. Writing more soon!

1188 word written

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