part 11

368 7 10

tw: slight mentions of blood/injury

Cody's pov

I really don't know what I was thinking. Or maybe I wasn't thinking. All that I know is that I'm lost, running through this forest, alone...

Let's go back a little bit, before I ended up here. Now, from what I remember...

One moment, I was alone. Curled up in the corner, crying, all alone. The next moment, someone was next to me. They put their arm around me, and I kind of jumped, like a little movement, as I was surprised. Almost at once I realized that it must be Noah, and I felt stupid because he is the only person it could have been.

I placed my head on his shoulder, tears still streaming down my face. He was warm, and while I was too, the mistake I had made in putting that hoodie on, it still felt nice to have him there, by my side.

Soon enough, I had calmed down, or at least I had seemed to have, and we sat there in silence.

Then I think I heard some kind of knock on the door, which caused Noah to get up and walk over to the door, so I had returned back to my previous position of being curled up in the corner.

I may have heard some faint voices, but I wasn't paying much attention. I just really wanted to get out of there, it felt as if the walls were closing in on me, and...

One thing I remember is when Noah was standing by the door, listening, and then he randomly looked at me, and for that time we held eye contact, which was probably the best, and only good part about that time spent in the room. This only lasted for a second or two, until he turned back to the door and said something. I had assumed he was talking to someone on the other side of the room, so I didn't say anything.

Then there was some louder voice, probably shouting something. It wasn't loud enough for me to make out what it was, but it was loud enough to make me jump again.

For some reason, not that I'm surprised though, I was really jumpy and shaky. I guess that's just what being locked in a room one too many times does to you.

It's not like I haven't been in this situation before, and no, I don't mean the time at the sleepover, when me and Noah were locked in a closet. There have been multiple occasions where I'd been locked away somewhere, thought usually alone, and... I guess now's not a great time for that story.

Without any thoughts running through my head, or, well, with too many thoughts running through my head to be able to focus on anything in particular, I had found myself standing up. I'm kind of unsteady when I rise, but I'm almost perfectly fine with walking when I do.

I made my way over to Noah, and as soon as I had approached him, I hugged him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. He obviously must not have been expecting me to do that, but he had hugged me back anyways. I placed my head on his shoulder as we hugged.

A little while later, while we were still standing there, hugging, there was the same creaking noise as earlier on in the day, when me and Noah were first locked in the room.

A bit more light entered the room, and I could see someone pushing open the door.

"Hello? Are you two alright?" said Izzy, who was stood in the doorway.

That's when it hit me: she was the one who was up to this. She's the one who locked us in the room.

I lifted my head from Noah's shoulder and he loosened the grip he had on me, and so did I, stepping to the side as Noah turns around.

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