part 1

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Courtney created group 'total drama gc'

Courtney added Gwen, Duncan, Trent, Owen, Noah, Cody, Sadie, Katie, Beth, Justin, Izzy, Eva, Bridgette, Heather, Lindsay, Geoff, Harold, Tyler, Leshawna, DJ, Alejandro, Ezekiel and Sierra

Courtney: Hey everyone

Owen: Hey! 

Izzy: omg hiii

DJ: hello

Duncan: what the fuck is this

Duncan left the group

Courtney added Duncan

Duncan: stop adding me hoe

DJ: language!

Duncan left the group

Courtney added Duncan

Courtney: No, you can't just leave

Duncan: why not

Izzy: because without us youll be lonely and turn emo

Duncan: stfu izzy I'm not gonna turn into gwen

Gwen is online

Gwen: mf.

Gwen is offline

Izzy: how did she know you were talking about her? 😧

Duncan: her emo senses were tingling

Courtney: No because she's next to me rn

Duncan: what is she doing with your bitchass? are you fucking eachother or something?

Courtney: Duncan stfu

Courtney removed Duncan

Izzy added Duncan

Izzy: this is just getting started don't ruin it

Courtney: How did you-

Izzy: I have my ways 👹

Noah: this is going to be fun. 😒

Izzy: don't you mean 'this is going to be fun 😏'

Noah: no izzy, I dont. its called sarcasm, you should know this. you are 20 now.

Izzy: I know what sarcasm means hoe. go hang out with your boyfriend 😏

Noah: he is not my boyfriend!

Izzy: he is

Noah: he is not.

Izzy: he isssss

Noah: he is not!

Duncan: who's your bf, mr twink

Noah: duncan stfu

Duncan: no

Izzy: help I'm with Noah rn and he's typing alot into his phone rly fast I think he's mad... 😟

Noah: duncan actually shut your bitchass up you literally look like a chewed up rat that came out of someones arsehole and don't get me started on that vomit-inducing haircut you fucking bitch like look at it hoe I hope you cry yourself to sleep everynight and... read more

Duncan: hoes mad

Noah: kys



Izzy: help noah just slapped me

Noah: deserved

Izzy: I was just cheering you on 😕

total drama gcWhere stories live. Discover now