how i get my steps up {05/02/24}

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so usually i can get up to 20k steps
and i do that by walking around my house before school
so if i'm ready before the time i need to leave i walk around and get about 1000 steps and 2000 steps if i get up 15 minutes earlier
then i walk to school but i take a longer route which give me like 6000 steps on its own
and i walk around a lot in school just by going to classes so if i only do that i will get around 10k steps by the time school ends but if i do laps around the school i will have abt 12,000 steps by the end
so after school i take an even longer route home which gets me to 20k steps but i've found a way recently around my house that's like a circle that adds 3000 steps
so i have a lot of opportunities throughout the day to walk and that's how i burn the majority of the calories i need to

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