Chapter 7 - The Fallout

Start from the beginning

"I wanted to start a new life. Far away from him. Far away from that... reputation." Zerina sucks the air in.

My mother had always been conscious of her appearance and reputation. Even if we were not very rich, she would stretch our budget and insist on paying for the table during get-togethers with his friends so she didn't lose face.

But I never could've guessed her need for social validation ran this deep.

"The opportunity to flee the prospect of arranged marriage arose, and I took it," she says coolly. "Kieran was foolish and reckless. Dangerous."

From what I've seen of my father, that assessment seems accurate.

"What were the chances I'd get pregnant after being intimate with him just once?" She shrugs. "Fate put you in my path, and I took advantage of it and left, for our us. I won't apologize for removing you out of harm's way."

My mother straightens and leans back again. Her gaze bears into me.

"You only have the luxury of caring about morals because of me. I did what I had to do to make sure our family was protected. You grew up sheltered, Alexandra. You have no idea what it took for me to get to where I am today because I shielded you from the ugly truth. You think the world is rose-colored when it's gray at best. There are worse things than not knowing who your father is."

"Well, you're wrong," I say flatly. "Not knowing who my father is and then finding out from a complete stranger was one of the worst things that's ever happened to me."

I take a deep breath to steady my racing heart. A sigh escapes my lips, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. I try to focus, to piece together the fragments of my shattered world, and think of Tirana.

"I want us to go back home. Kieran can't find out I'm his child. But once we're there... It's over, Mother. I am moving out of the family house. And..." I glance out the window onto the blades of grass on the manicured mansion lawn. "I need time and space away from you."

Because you betrayed me.

The words sit unspoken between us.

My mother's jaw tightens.

"You might just get that. It looks like I'll be staying in Kieran's custody. But we will be fine again, Alexandra. We're merely experiencing a hiccup."

"It sounds like more than a hiccup."

She stares at me, her ire melting into something more calculating. "We could use Liam's help. He is the same young man from the funeral, isn't he? I believe he has a soft spot for you. Convince him to... assist."

Cold sinks into my bones. I never knew she had this manipulative side. "I only entered an arrangement with him because he promised he could get you out of that warehouse in exchange for..."

My mother tilts her head like a giant mountain lioness stalking her prey, hungering for the next words that are about to come out of my mouth.

"Never mind." I decide against betraying where Liam's loyalty lies. "The deal is done. Besides, he's one of them. A mobster. And he doesn't have a soft spot for me."

"I saw the way he looked at you when I came out of that warehouse. You could make him see reason if you tried hard enough."

I stare at my mother, taking in her perfectly practiced smile, stern lines around her mouth and that predatory gleam in her eye.

She looks the same, but I barely recognize her.

"I won't." My voice wavers, but my words are firm. "This is your mess, mother. I can't help you."

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