chapter 8 welcome to new world

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After fly in a plane for an hour the princess look down from the plane window after Captain said some things about landing and she saw and city that wasn't big or have a high-rise like what she saw in Los Angeles after some landing the thing she saw is confirmed by a city that have skyline close to the same high but in the same time it feels so save and relax

I imagine your capital will be full with a high-rise and millions of people

Sorry if our capital make you disappointed but our capital is create as a capital only because in the old world we are break up from the old system so our capital is create after we have our independent as a bureaucracy and president resident

So that why we feel so save out here?

Yeah we are set no fly zone in the Washington DC and set up a bunch of police, national guard and army barracks for defence of the city and we have set up a lot of SAM or surface-to-air missile to defence our capital

How strong is your enemies?

There are two of them it's use to be one but after Russia reform they military from last generation doctrine and old equipment they just start to become our rivals for a second time

What about another one

Another one is a headache there have even more ship than us they try to copy everything from us and they have a second largest population in the world

I see now why you are look like so ready to go to war a lot

*Point at the SUV
That is our transportation

Like a horse carriage?

Yeah, wait i thought you guys have a car

A car? That is to expensive even for us

In America every people have a car or two

But from what i see in Los Angeles that makes sense but i don't know that everyone have it

This is normal for America
*Walk up to the black SUV

*Look at his family
Ok we will go now

King and his family walk to the SUV and a man with a suit open the door for them they go in and the car start to move no to the road and they start to know that in the eng of the road is some kind of park and then

*Point to a white structure
What is where our president works and rest

*Looks at the white structure
Oh but why it's look so small for a leader of a nation that is so strong like America

Yeah but it's was our icons as a American government structure

King was look at the structure and then look at the front

What is that high structure?

Oh that is a Washington monument, we built it to honor the first president of the United States

How many presidents you guys have now

48th is now our current president and you will meet him in a minute

What's his name

His name is George Robert

George? I will remember it, and why they are so many people in front of the white house?

Oh that is the reporter there here to make a news


Kind of

About what?

About mr.president announce that we are not in the same world and our first alliance in this world

First alliance?... Us?


The car turns left an go through the gate the king walk down with sam to go in first and then his family will go in, king walk in to the door and a cold air hit him in the face and he see the man with a suit waiting for him to arrive

Welcome to United States your majesty my name is George the president of the United States of America

Hello mr.president my name is Charlie tarry the king from Kingdom of Aubia Tarry

We don't have that many times so we will go out and talk to the reporter

Ok we will talk later

George walk to the door with king and king start to hear the song with it instrumental and when the door open he hear the lyrics of the song
Hail to the chief
We have chosen for the nation
Hail to the chief
We salute him one and all
Hail to the chief
As we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment
Of a great noble call
Yours is the aim
To make this grand country grander
This you will do
That's our strong firm belief
Hail to the one
We selected as commander
Hail to the president
Hail to the chief
George walk to the podium and started to talk to the journalist

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'm your president i'm talk to you all that stands in front of me now or the people we listen this from television and radio this is a new age the age for discover and innovation many people knowing this already but some are still unknown or unsure but i will confirm it by myself that America is not in the same world anymore in the sane world we are known as a new world but now we are actually in a new world a world that full of unknown knowledge and unknown creatures but this transfer will not fear us but we still have to remember what Franklin Delano Roosevelt tell us that the thing we need to fear is fear it self the home of freedom and democracy will go on the land of the free and home of the brave will still live on to do our work, the work to confirm the success of liberty!
*Silent and wait for the sound of the people calm down
And our first work has finish the work to find an alliance in this new world
*Look at the king
Everyone please welcome the king of Kingdom of Aubia Tarry

The sound of clap echo through the air George moves out and make the way for king Charlie walk to the podium and started to talk

Hello citizen of America I'm the king of Kingdom of Aubia Tarry I'm here to show how good relations between our two nation

After his speech king walk to the mr.president and have a handshakes and then the flash is coming from everywhere in the crowd of people, after the podcast that will be remember as a new world speech and this speech will make America united in one to survive in this new world that full of unknown creatures that can kill them any time

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