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Meredith couldn't believe that was real. That after all this time that she was finally wrapped in Dereks arms once again.

"Shall we get a dog?" Derek asked as he turned to look at Meredith, his hand moving to run up and down her back as they lay peacefully in his bed.

"A dog?" Meredith asked, watching as Derek nodded his head with excitement. "You can't be serious. When we would have time for a dog."

Meredith laughed as she leaned up on her elbow as her fingers moved to run through Dereks hair.

"Ok, you make a good point." Derek admitted, sighing in defeat before turning to look at Meredith with a mischievous look in his eyes. "I just don't want Chloe to be alone. I want her to have a big family, siblings to grow up..."

"What..." Meredith interrupted, removing his fingers from her hair before leaning back slightly. "Der, please tell me you're joking... I mean of course I would love to have another baby but we've only just got back together and you're only just getting your relationship back with Chloe..."

"Mer..." Derek reached up and placed his hand on her cheek. "I'm not saying right now or even in the next year. There's no rush. But I would love nothing more than to have another baby with you...I want us to have a family."

"Oh." Meredith sighed, feeling the relief wash over her face and her body relax back into his.

"But for now, we can just practice." Derek leaned in and his lips started to attack Meredith's neck, smiling as he listened to her giggle.

This was perfect.

Derek watched as Meredith moved round his bedroom, throwing her hair up into a loose bun before moving into the bathroom. He pushed himself up so he was sitting against the headboard, pulling the blankets up slightly but leaving his bare chest on show.

"So I am going to pick Chlo up from your mom's..." Meredith reappeared from the bathroom before picking her bag up. "Are you still coming for dinner tonight?"

Derek didn't answer but he simply just stared in awe of her true beauty.

"Hello." Meredith waved her hand, laughing as she approached him. "Earth to Derek, are you there?"

"Sorry." Derek shook his head before reaching out to take his hand in hers, pulling her down so she was now sat on the bed. "Hi."

"Hey." Meredith whispered back, smiling at him before she leaned in to briefly brush her lips against his. "So, I will see you later?"

"Yes." He squeezed her hand before letting go. "Hang on, let me get changed and I will walk you out to your car."

Derek jumped out of bed and quickly threw on a change of clothes before following Meredith down the stairs. Reaching up, he grabbed her coat and helped Meredith into it before moving to cup her face in his hands.

"Derek, I really need to get going." Meredith laughed as he finally lowered his hands. "Bye."

"Bye." Derek leaned down and kissed her once more before opening the door for her and watched as she walked down her car, waving once more before she reversed her car out of the drive and disappeared.


"Hello." Meredith said cheerfully as she stepped into Carolyn's house. "Is anybody home? Chloe?"

"Hello dear." Carolyn whispered as she appeared in the hall. "Chloe is currently sleeping with Christopher on the sofa. I think they made it about half way through the book before they both nodded off."

"That sounds like them two." Meredith laughed and shook her head, walking over to wrap her arms around Carolyn, squeezing her hard before pulling back. "Thank you so much for having her last night."

"Yeah I just wanted to talk to you very quickly about that..." Carolyn closed the door behind her, causing Meredith to frown slightly. "Don't worry dear, everything is absolutely fine. So you don't need to panic but I heard about your job offer in LA..."

"Oh..." Meredith sighed. "It's fine though because I'm not accepting it. I just realised I couldn't rip her away from her life. She needs to be around her family. She adores you guys and know with Derek being apart of our...I mean her life it just makes sense to stay."

"Oh thank god." Carolyn placed her hand on her chest and took a huge sigh of relief. "I don't know what I would have done without you girls. Plus I think it would have broke Derek to see you go..."

"We are in a really good place." Meredith smiled but it quickly dropped. "But I am worried that something is going to happen and he is going to regret it and leave us again. I don't think I could cope if he was to leave me again and Chloe would be devastated. She loves him so much..."

"Have you told him this?" Carolyn watched as Meredith shook her head. "Talk to him." She reached out and place her hand on Meredith's cheek, rubbing her thumb lovingly across.

Meredith smiled at Carolyn once more before stepping round and headed into the living room. Her heart melting at the sight in front of her. Chloe was fast asleep, curled into Christopher's side as he had his arm wrapped around her protectively.

"I don't want to wake her." Meredith admitted as Carolyn stepped beside her.

"Leave them be." Carolyn smiled looking at the two of them. "Come through to the kitchen and I'll do us something to eat."

"Sounds good to me." Meredith nodded as she followed Carolyn through to the kitchen.

Being here and seeing that Chloe had loving family around her was all she had ever wanted. It hadn't been easier to get this point but right now, she couldn't be happier. Maybe having another baby with Derek wasn't such a bad idea after all...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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