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Meredith knew it would take some time to get back up on her feet and get back to her usual self but she never expected that she would still be struggling after three weeks.

"Chloe, please." Meredith groaned as she pushed herself off the sofa, feeling like her legs were about to give out on her. "Please put your socks on."

"No!" Chloe giggled as she ran away from Meredith, too young to understand that this wasn't a game right now. "Mommy, come!"

"Hello." Meredith sighed in relief when she heard Dereks voice echo throughout the house. "Mer, are you there?"

"Yeah I'm here." Meredith shuffled round the corner, smiling as she saw that Chloe was already so comfortable being around Derek as she had her arms wrapped his legs before running off. "Here. Put some socks on your daughter."

Meredith pushed the socks onto Dereks chest and tapped it lightly before moving to walk away.

"You look hot." Derek grabbed Meredith's hand and pulled her back towards him with a slight frown on his face.

"Derek, I'm not in the mood to flirt with you right now. I feel horrible and Chloe is refusing to put her socks on or do anything. Well apart from run away from me." Meredith frowned when she watched Derek press the back on his hand to her forehead. "What are you doing?"

"Mer, you're burning up." Derek looked at her with concern in his eyes. "Why didn't you phone me? I could have come over and looked after Chloe so you could rest."

"Der, this isn't the first time I've had to look after Chloe on my own when I've been ill..." Meredith stopped when she watched Derek drop his hand down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"No, it's ok. I get it." Derek pushed his hands into his pocket and nodded his head. "I guess it's going to take some getting used to having me actually be around now. I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you before."

"But you're here now." Meredith placed both her hands on his chest as she looked up lovingly at him. "That's all that matters."

Reaching up she lightly brushed her lips against his before moving to rest her head against his chest as she closed her eyes and breathed him in.

"Mer, you should really go to bed." Derek frowned with concern as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"Dewek." Chloe walked over and started gently pulling on trousers leg. "Come play."

"I'm coming." Pulling out of Meredith's arms, he reached down and took Chloe into his arms, resting her against his hip. "Mommy is going to go to bed then me and you will spend the afternoon together."

"Are you sure?" Meredith asked, smiling as she watched Derek pull a face at Chloe before she broke out into a fit of giggles.

"Yeah of course." Derek turned to Meredith with a wide smile of his face. "Go into the living and I'll be there soon."

Derek placed Chloe back down and watched as her little legs carried her as fast as they could into her living room.

"Go sleep." Derek cupped Meredith's face in his hand, giving her a loving kiss before guiding her to the stairs and watched as she finally went up.

Once he was convinced Meredith had finally gave in and gone to bed, he pushed himself off the wall and headed into the living room.

"So what are we playing today?" Derek clapped and rubbed his hands excitedly as he moved to sit down on the floor next to Chloe.

"Dolly." Chloe pushed one of her dolls towards Derek and handed him a brush as well.

"Oh thank you." Derek took the doll into his hands and immediately started playing with Chloe, the smile never left his face as he listened to the way Chloe would laugh and his eyes lit up just like Meredith's.

"Dewek..." Chloe finally yawned and rubbed at her eyes as she climbed into his lap. "Hi."

"Hey." He smiled softly at her as he reached down to push her hair out of her face. "I love you."

"I lo..." Chloe yawned before moving to rest her head against his chest. "You too daddy."

Dereks body immediately froze in shock. He knew he couldn't react right now. But this couldn't be happening. They had agreed to wait.

As much as he wanted to freak out he couldn't help but love the way it sounded to finally hear Chloe call him dad. But it was never meant to be like this.

"What did you say to her?" Dereks head immediately turned as he heard Meredith's voice, seeing her standing there with a frown on her face.

"I didn't...Mer, I swear I didn't tell her anything." Derek slowly stood up and gently placed Chloe down on the sofa with her doll to keep her distracted before walking towards Meredith.

"We agreed to wait." Meredith whispered as she stepped back as Derek reached out for her. "She wouldn't just randomly start calling you dad unless something was said to her."

"Mer, she's three. She probably doesn't even realise what she said but I promise you, I did not say anything." Derek reached out and cupped Meredith's face in his hands again.

"You cannot walk away from her now Derek." Meredith looked up at him with tears in her eyes. This is all she had ever wanted, having her little family all together. "She loves you to much already and that scares me."

"I know, it scares me as well but I'm not going anywhere. But I think we should tell her now. Or soon at least before she gets confused." Derek said quietly as they heard Chloe heading towards them.

"Boo!" Chloe screamed cheerfully as she jumped out in front of them.

"Oh you scared me!" Derek over reacted as he reached down and gently threw Chloe over his shoulder, spinning slightly as she giggled out loud. "I know, shall we go to the park!"

"Yes!" Chloe screamed back, Dereks excitement clearly becoming contagious to everyone around them causing Meredith to laugh and shake her head.

"Come on let's go." Derek quickly placed Chloe down and slipped her shoes on before grabbing both their coats. "Say bye to mommy!"

"Bye!" Chloe waved before running for the door.

"We will be back in a bit." Derek quickly leaned down and kissed Meredith once more before they headed for the door.

"Be good!" Meredith shouted as she watched Chloe take Dereks hand in his as they skipped together down the street before disappearing out of sight.

This was it. Everything she had ever wished for was finally coming true but now all she needed was to finally feel better in herself.

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