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Derek was quickly learning that he loved being a father. He knew he only had himself to blame for missing out in so much but now he just wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But more importantly he wanted to Chloe that he was her dad. No longer did he want to hide the fact that he was in fact a father.

"Here." Chloe forced a dolly into Dereks hands before standing there staring at him, waiting for him to understand what she wanted.

"Oh." Derek looked between the doll in his hands and Chloe before slowly placing the other shoe on the dolls foot.

"No!" Chloe screamed. "That."

"I..." Derek looked round in confusion, desperate for someone to help him out. "I don't know what you want Chloe. I'm sorry."

"That." Chloe pointed again, clearly becoming frustrated with Derek as more time passed by.

"She wants you to change the clothes Derek." Carolyn didn't even look up as she turned the page in her book.

"Oh." Derek sighed before changing the clothes on the doll before handing it back to Chloe. He watched as she smiled before going to sit back down with the rest of her toys. "I don't think I can do this...I mean this is hard."

"Derek, not now." Carolyn sighed, closing the book before taking her glasses off her face as she turned to look at Derek. "You knew what you was letting yourself in for. You've only got yourself to blame."

"Yes ma, I know. Thank you for stating the obvious." Derek rolled his eyes before going to collapse in the chair, rubbing his hands over his face before dropping his head back.

"I'm not going to react to what you've just said because Chloe is here right now. But she needs a consistent father figure in her life. If you're in, then you're in. You can't decide on 6 months time that it is too much for you and walk away again because if you do that to that sweet little girl, then I'm done with you. I won't defend you any longer." Carolyn meant every word she said and didn't even feel bad when Derek looked at her with tears in his eyes.


Before Derek could speak, the sound of the front door opened.

"Hello." Meredith's voice echoed through out the house, causing Chloe's head to snap up and look round desperately for her mother. "Where's my little girl?"

"Mommy!" Chloe squealed with excitement as Meredith stepped into the living room.

"Careful sweetheart." Christopher was quick to step in as he gently lowered himself down so he was now eye level with Chloe. "Mommy is still poorly. So we've got to be gentle with her so why don't we let her sit first."

Even though she was only young, Chloe understood as she gently grabbed Meredith's hand and walked over to the sofa with her. Once Meredith was sat down, Chloe climbed up next to her and wrapped her arms right around her, so tight, it was like she was scared to let go.

"Mommy, missed you so much." Meredith could feel herself getting choked up as she breathed her daughter in, finally feeling happy for the first time in days. "Thank you so much for looking after her."

"It's no worries dear." Christopher leaned down and kissed the top of Meredith's head before standing back up and looked between Carolyn and Derek. It was clear to anyone that entered that there was tension in the air. "Carolyn, can I..."

"Yes." She pushed herself out of the chair and headed to the kitchen, not before kissing Meredith on the cheek. "I'm glad you're home."

"Thanks." Meredith smiled up at her before turning her attention back to Chloe.

Derek watched as Carolyn moved past him, not even looking at him and he knew right there in that moment, his mother was disappointed in him. Christopher walked past and squeezed his shoulder, letting him know that he would try and sort this out.

"Derek." Meredith spoke up, finally getting his attention, smiling at him softly. "I just want to say thank you. For being there for Chloe and for me."

"It's ok." Derek whispered back as he let his head drop slightly.

"Hey." Meredith could tell that was something wrong with him but he failed to look up at him. "Hey, come here."

"What?" Finally Derek looked up and watched as Meredith tapped the empty space next to her. "Oh."

Pushing himself up, he walked over and gently placed himself down next to Meredith, keeping his hands to himself as he didn't want to overstep. It was finally Meredith who placed her hand on his thigh and gave it a gently squeeze.

"You ok?" Meredith whispered softly as she knew that Chloe was slowly falling asleep and she didn't want to disturb her.

"Hm, I don't know." Derek admitted as he turned to face her and realised how close they were sitting next to each other. "Ma kind of gave me a reality check and it hurt. But I've got myself to blame because I don't know Chloe at all. She's my daughter and I don't know her..."

"But you can get to know her." Meredith smiled at him. "We aren't going anywhere and as long as you're serious about being there for her then you will get to know her. Plus I've been thinking of telling her, not yet but eventually. She deserves to know the truth."

"Really?" Derek smiled properly for the first time, watching as Meredith nodded her head. "I won't let you down. Either of you."

"I know." Meredith softly said as he eyes moved between his lips and his eyes wanting nothing more than to learn forward and brush her lips against his.

"I'm so happy you're home." Derek reached to and gently ran his thumb over her cheek, smiling at her softly. "I've missed you..."


Meredith didn't know what happened but before she knew it Dereks lips were gently pressed against hers. It was like no time had passed and things were back to how they used to be.

"I'm sorry..." Derek finally pulled apart but kept his forehead resting against hers.

"Don't be sorry." Meredith moved back slightly and ran her fingers lightly over his cheek. "I've missed you too but Derek I can't...please don't hurt me again, or us..."

"I don't plan on it." Derek smiled before kissing her once more before pulling back and wrapped his arm round her shoulder, pulling them close into his body. Holding both his girls close.

For the first time in a long time, Derek felt complete. It was like the missing piece of the puzzle had finally been found and put into place. He was determined never to let them ever get away from him ever again.

not sure if I love or hate it but I needed to update as I realised it's been way too long since the last update...but help because I need ideas haha!

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