5 Greenland

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It was Day 5 and We were finally landing in Greenland after the food fell out mid flight and we were all fine and we made it out safely without any issue so we now had to wait for an American Airline flight to pick us up.

But as we were waiting we stumbled upon another accident and this time Hick had fallen and banged his head and was not moving so his mum had to take him to IceCub Children's Hospital where he could get checked out for his injuries and condition.

So while they were gone we were still waiting for this flight to take us to Detroit but they've been told that they have to wait for Hick to come back from the hospital but he could be there for ages so we'll have to find a way to convince the pilot not to wait for them.
But the next flight isn't for 678 days so we'll have to wait then I'll guess.
"Buzzzz"!! Goes the phone in mum's pocket.

Hello Miss This is the pilot we are informing you they we are now boarding the plane and if you wish to make it to America please be here within 5 hours otherwise we'll have to go without you and your son Hick understood ma'm???
Yes understood look I've got to go NOW!!!

Wait Hick don't fall asleep otherwise the devil will come and you don't want that do you??
No Mum of course Not Mum. I promise not to fall asleep until the devils curse ends in 40 days.
And If we make it we get the golden boot according to our last Pilot of the plane.
WOW Says mum I can't wait to see who wins the Gold Boot because I know I will.

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