
I was jumping from one feet to an other, waiting for the damn bell to ring. I've always hated how this school's lunch was so late. Because I was fucking freezing outside. When I started to see students fulling the hallway from the window, I let out a breath. I was now only waiting to see Louis. And, when I did, I started to pound on the window. He saw me and just waved at me. Oh, that guy was such a bitch. He unlocked his locker, taking his time. Grabbed his lunch. Talked to a few guys. I wanted to kill him. It's only after five long and agonizing minutes that he finally came to the door to open it. And I quickly went inside. 

"Damn, it's fucking freezing outside !" I shouted.

"Yeah, I know."

Oh, the son of a bitch. I hate the guy, I hate him so much. 


Finally, I don't hate the guy so much. Louis took me to the old boys locker room - where absolutely no one ever goes - and offered me some of his lunch. I was eating the last chip of the bag, my back against the wall, when Louis' fist punched my shoulder.

"Ow ! What was that for ?"

"What happened with Zayn ?"

"What ?" How the fuck could he knew about that ? I hadn't talked to him in days, how could he knew that Zayn was in Manchester ?

"I made you wait five minutes in the snow and you're smiling. What happened with Zayn ?"


"Well, euh..." I could feel myself getting red. I was playing with my fingers, bitting my lips. I had no clue on how to say it without sounding like a pathetical over addicted girl. "He kind of took me out on a date and kind of kiss me..."

"You guys totally fucked." Louis winked at me at the same time and I pushed him.

"NO ! We didn't 'fucked', we..." I stopped myself. Was it really what I think it was ?

"You made love." Louis stated before starting to laugh. My face was bright red, I could feel it. "Oh my God, Alexis, you're so cuteeee !"

"Stop making fun of me !"

"Alexis is in looooove !"

I hate the guy, finally.


Finally, Louis skipped school to spend his afternoon with me. And he finally stopped laughing at me. While we were all confortable and laying on his couch, he started to tell me about that party he went to last night and the hot girl he met. How sweet for Hannah.

"Seriously, Alex, she was so fucking hot. Even you would have want to fuck her. No kidding."

"Did she at least tell you her name ?"

"Doniya. I don't know what, but Doniya. How sweet does it sounds ?" 

I need to say, I laughed. I only know one girl named Doniya and she was in Manchester last night. 

"What are you laughing at ?" Louis screamed. From upstairs, I heard Lottie telling him to "shut the fuck up", which only made me laugh harder.

"Your Doniya is probably Zayn's sister." I finally said, when I had been able to catch my breath. 

"Holy fucking shit."

I laughed again to see him so surprise. It was good to laugh that much, I wasn't used to that. 

"They are all looking sex as fuck in this family or what ?"

"Louis, don't talk about my boyfriend like that !" I told him, putting my fist to my waist, looking like that teacher I had in primary school. She was such a sucker.

"Oh my God, my Alexis has a boyfriend !" He screamed and I put my hands to my ears. He was going to kill me someday.


After receiving tones of calls from my mother, I decided it was safer for me to sleep at the Tomlinson's house. Louis' mom was so trilled that she made me a bed in his room. Even though we all knew that I wouldn't use it. 

I was laying in my best friend's bed, right next to him. It was all dark in the room and we were both staring at his ceiling. He still had glow stickers on it and it made me smile. No matter how bad guy Louis could look sometimes, he was still a little boy in his heart. I was probably the only one to ever know this. 

Our fingers were intertwined, as always when I was staying over at his place without being drunk. I was feeling him breath right next to me. It was simple. We were simple. And no matter how many times I say that I hate him, I still love him. He's my best friend no matter what. He knows too much.

"I'm happy for you, Alexis. Much more than any words could say."

"Why's that ?" I asked, turning my head around so I could see him staring right at me in the dark.

"Because you found Zayn. Because he found you. Because you found each others. He loves you, he truly does. I know he's going to make you happy. And you deserve it more than anyone I know."


How cute is Louis at the end ? No, for real, could he get any more cute ?? ;o 

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