Chapter 47

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I slammed shut my locker after cleaning it out and headed down the corridor towards the stairs. This week

the seniors were going to sign out officially from the school and that was the only reason why we came to

school. It felt weird not being in classes and listening to our teachers anymore. In away I didn't like it. It felt

like something big was happening.

Letting out a sigh as I reached the bottom of the steps, I turned the cornor with my head down, clutching onto

the straps of my weightless backpack when I accidently bumped into someone.

"Oh!" I looked up with an apologetic look which instantly turned into an awkward, somewhat shy expression

when I saw who it was. Cole Summers. "Sorry for bumping into you." I apologised quietly.

He gave me a sweet smile and shook his head. "No worries. I wasn't looking where I was going either." I

nodded my head and we stood there for a moment in silence.

"So..." He spoke up moving back and forth on his toes and the heels of his foot. "You going to the formal?"

I glanced at a girl from my grade who came down the steps and smiled at her briefly before turning my

attention back on Cole. "Yes of course."

"Hmm.." He watched me for a moment before saying, "You must be going with Hunter. Obviously."

I bit my lip feeling slightly awkward all of a sudden. I couldn't help but think back to what Linkin had said

about Cole having a crush on me. It was a bit hard to believe seeing as though we never had a full

conversation. "Yeah I am."

He let out a small chuckle. "Can't wait to see how he looks like in a suit."

I let out a laugh of my own. "Me neither. But I don't think he'll end up wearing one though."

"Oh?" He laughed.

I was grinning when I suddenly spotted Hunter over Cole's shoulder walking towards us with a dark

expression on his face. The grin slipped off as I bit my lip. Lately Hunter's been acting a lot more possessive

over me and quiet frankly it was starting to frustrate me. I didn't know why he was doing acting like that

though. Not only was he being extra possessive, but he's also been throwing temper tantrums that I knew

were due to his anger problems. I had asked dad about how to help him with his anger and all he had said to

me was not to do anything that would anger him until he could convince Hunter to think about going to anger

management. I had rolled my eyes because I didn't know what angered Hunter and because it was hard

enough trying to get him to go to therapy so convincing him to go to anger management was going to be

impossible. Besides, if he got through therapy it may help with his anger issues. I had then asked how he was

going to convince Hunter. All Dad did was tap my cheek and say, "Your boyfriend and I are getting along

very well. You could say we have a love/hate relationship." and that comment alone had convinced me that

my father had gone bonkers.

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now