Chapter 10

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I walked into Bio class the next day, feeling sluggish and still half asleep. I had barely slept last night because

all I could think about was what had happened and it didn't help that Sammie-boy was screaming and crying

all night because he had a night mare.

I let out a grumble and plopped onto my seat, taking out my book and pencil case. I watched the door and

waited for Jester's arrival. Since I had come just as the bell rang I didn't have the time to meet the group.

I tapped my fingers on the table and swung my legs back and forth, humming a random tune quietly. Soon

after, everyone started pouring into the room speaking loudly and just plain mucking around. As I watched

them take their seats, I heard the familiar loud laughter reach my ears. I looked over at Jester with a grin but

it instantly disappeared and a frown took over its place.

What's Hunter doing here?

"Luna!" Jester gave my back a slap as he sat down on the stool beside me. "Look who's going to be joining us

in Bio from now on!"

My brown eyes briefly met pale blue orbs before I looked back at Jester. I shuffled on my stool nervously

and tried not to think about that moment Hunter and I had at his house.

"Alrighty! Everyone settle down," I heard Mr Campbell say as he entered the room with his equipment. "Mr

West. Come here for a moment please."

I watched after Hunter's wide back as he casually walked over to Mr Campbell with his hands tucked into

his jean pockets.

Whilst I kept my eyes on him, I leant closer to Jester, "Why's he here?" I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" He whispered back.

I leant away from him to give him a scowl.

"Okay, okay," he pulled me closer to him again. "You know that day when he had a temper tantrum?"

I slowly nodded.

"Yeah... well, his teacher doesn't want him in her class anymore so the Principle put him in our's."

My mind blanked for a second before I finally registered what he had said.

Oh nooo. He's going to be in this class as well!

There goes my concentration......

"Bro! Hunter!" Jester all of a sudden called out.

I turned to him and followed his gaze to find Hunter making his way to the back of the room.

"Come sit with us."

I froze when I heard Jester's invite.

"Come on man! Luna move over," He then told me.

"Why can't you?" I hissed at him.

"Because... I like sitting at the edge. It makes me edgy?" I gave him a glare at his lame excuse but

moved to the middle when Hunter neared closer to us.

This table was enough for only two people. Not three!

I gulped and rubbed the back of my neck nervously as I saw Hunter pull his stool beside me from the corner

of my eyes.

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now