Chapter 33

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2 weeks later - Saturday

Time was going by fast especially when I didn't want it to. Stan and I were still working on our assignment

with a lot of struggle. Lately, I hadn't been hanging around with the group because I was either in the library

or inviting Stan over to my place to do our assignment. Even though it wasn't like I was ditching them on

purpose and having fun with Stan, Hunter was getting pissed off and a whole lot possessive and jealous. It

was like he didn't trust me but him being jealous is a lot better than him not being jealous right? I mean, if he

is jealous than it means he cares about me and doesn't like the idea of other guys making a move on me.

Right? Oh well, I guess I should focus on completing this darn assignment first and then figure out if it's a

good thing or not.

I dropped my head on my book and let out a sigh. Senior year is one heck of a b*tch. I couldn't wait to finish

all this and just relax. I couldn't even sleep properly without dreaming about maths or english or stupid

biology. And by the time I wake up, it feels like I had only slept for five minutes and then I have to go to

school half asleep with my eyes burning and wait for the torturously slow day to end. Only to get home and

do work, work, work!

I hadn't been going to the icecream store to do my shifts as well. I had rang them up and told them that for this

next month I was way to busy with my HSC (High School Certificate) and couldn't come. Luckily enough my

manager agreed. What a nice man he was.

Wish I was Sammy boy so that all I had to worry about was how to put on my own clothes properly, having

to eat everything in my lunch box and making sure I had played well at lunch and recess and had learnt how

to move my hand across a piece of paper to form words. Ahh, such good days. Good days, that I could barely


I let out a groan when the sound of my mobile phone interrupted my train of thoughts. I looked over at my

phone sitting on the otherside of my bed with a glare. I was surrounded by books, a laptop and pieces of

loose paper and couldn't be bothered moving them to the side to get the phone. So I stayed rooted where I

was and ignored the call. Only to hear it ring again immediately.

I released another loud groan before sitting up in frustration and crawling over the junk to grab the phone.

"What?" I snapped in an annoyed voice. Who ever this is, must have a good reason for calling me!

"Woah!" Axel voice reached my ear. "Easy there tiger. What's gotton your panties in a bunch? Are you


I rolled my eyes. "Yes, yes I am pmsing, now why did you call me?!"

"Okay, okay, don't be mean to me.."

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"Axel," I warned.

"Alright! I called to tell you that Hunter's been in a fight and we're outside your house."

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now