Chapter 24

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Last day of the week. Finally! I thought this week was never going to end what with the things that

have happened. Hunter left home before I even woke up - thankgod for that - and was back at school.

What with the injuries he had the rumours had also returned. Seriously, some of them were complete

idiotic. Some chick spread it around that I abused him. I mean... have they seen the height and weight

difference between us! I think it is physically impossible for me to hurt him.

Today was also the day I was going over to Hunter's house for a sleepover. I was surprised when Ms

West called my home and spoke with mum about me coming over to their house. Good thing was that

mum said yes and also I was happy that they got on well. Ms West was a nice lady and I didn't think

she had many or any friends around her age.

My parents did warn me though. I was not to sleep in the same bed as Hunter. Like I was going to

follow their rule....jokes.

The last lesson of the day was nearing. Maths class. I was looking forward to it because I hadn't seen

Stan all day except for when I spotted him at lunch in the library. It was very clear to me that he was

avoiding me. He had to be. I think the reason no one really knew him or recognised him much was

because he hung out at the library for recess and lunch. Poor boy, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

I really did want him to see me as a friend but I knew it was going to take some time.

With a small sigh I followed after Hunter into our Maths class. We seemed to be early and there was

no Stan in sight. I would expect him to be the first here seeing as though he didn't like being the last to

enter the room.

As I opened my maths book, Hunter leant his head against my shoulder and let out an adorable yawn. I

turned my head to the side and pressed a kiss on his head.

A few seconds later as more people came into the room, I finally spotted Stan. He stood at the front of

the room and nervously looked in my direction. My smile turned into a frown at the look on his face

and I gestured for him to come here.

I noticed Hunter lift his head up from the corner of my eyes and saw him narrow his eyes at Stan.

Oh goshhhh...

I hurriedly connected my eyes with Stan - who was literally shaking because of the looks Hunter was

giving him - and gave him a encouraging smile before turning to Hunter and giving his arm a nudge.

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"Stop" I mumbled to him and looked away from his eyes quickly. Even if the intensity in his eyes

wasn't aimed at me, they were making me feel nervous and intimidated.

I got up from my seat and pulled over an extra desk and placed it next to mine. I smiled at Stan and

patted the empty seat next to me. He looked down at the ground and slowly made his way in my

direction just when Mr Braxton came into the room.

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now