Chapter 5

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Just woow.

Now I understood why Axel wasn't getting much affection. I'm starting to doubt, whether or not his parents

even knew about his existance.

Why was I having these doubts?

Axel didn't have, just one or two siblings. Oh no. He had alot more.

I watched wide-eyed as three little girls, dressed up in belly button showing shirts and short skirts pranced

around from the kitchen to the lounge room. Stepping all over the biscuit crumbles and making it worse.They

had handbags and red lipstick smeared on their faces. Two boys around the age of ten were running around a

table with red and green light sabers. Ninety-nine percent of their attacks were meeting the furniture around

them and not flesh. Two guys were wrestling on the couch for what looked like the TV remote, whilst a baby

clad in only a nappy (diaper), stood in front of the televison, looking wide-eyed and very interested at a half

naked women on the screen.

Can someone just say, What the FU-

"Sweetie, could you just hold onto him for a second," A lady with dark brown hair, short slender structure

and stress written all over her, dumped a baby in my arms.

I'm guessing she was the mother of Axel.... and presumably all the other brown haired human beings in this


"Oh," I quickly held onto the baby tightly, so that I wouldn't drop him on the floor.


I stared at the finger sucking, chubby child with big round grey/blue eyes, than back at the baby that was

watching the TV, with his butt on the ground this time.

Oh.... twins....

Did this women spend her entire ilfe giving birth?

"Hi mum!" Axel beamed at her happily from beside me all of a sudden.

She looked him up and down briefly and let out a grumble. "God, I have another one?" With that said, she

walked over to the guys that were fighting over the remote and gave each of them a smack on their heads.

"OW! MUM!"

"What was that for?!"

Looking away from the scolding angry mother and the pouting boys, I gave Axel a pity look and a sympathetic

rub on his arm, when I saw his sad, discouraged face.

"She does know who you are Axel," I softly told him. "Look at her face. She's obviously very stressed out."

"Yeah," He slowly nodded his head. "That's probably it..."

I was about to speak when I was interrupted by a out of breath Jester.

Seriously. How does this guy manage to pop out of no where?

"JESTER, YOU IDIOT!" I peered over his shoulder to see Alora running towards us. "YOU LOCKED ME


Jester rolled his eyes, "I did not. Why the hell would I do that?"

Alora let out a huff as she came to a stop next to him, with her hands on her hips, "I don't know you red

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now