Chapter 22

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It was Wednesday, the third day back at school. Not only did I already have an assignment but now I had a

crap load of homework that needed to be completed by next week. I rubbed my eyes from my seat in Maths

class and let out a quiet groan. I was so stressed out that I was sure I would lose all my hair before

University started.

I let out another groan and leant back in my seat and watched as the last person in my class rushed in and sat

down hurriedly in their seat. Lucky for them because Mr Braxton wasn't here yet. I frowned at the empty seat

beside me then looked anxiuosly at the door. Hunter wasn't here yet and I was starting to feel worried. I had

texted him last night (yes, we do text each other but not to much) but didn't get a response back. And it didn't

help that I hadn't seen anyone from the group in the morning to. I pulled out my phone and checked for any

messages but I knew I had not got any due to the fact that it didn't vibrate.

"Hi Sir!" I heard a guy shout out in the class which brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up and my mouth

dropped open in surprise when I saw Mr Braxton walk in with Stanley.

I watched as he quietly spoke with Sir before they both turned around and Stanley shyly glanced around the

room. I grinned at him when his eyes locked onto mine and he smiled shyly. Mr Braxton crookedly grinned,

making him look really young and handsome before he gently pushed him in my direction.

As Stanley walked in my direction I slid onto Hunter's seat so that he could sit on mine.

"Alright" Mr Braxton spoke out as he grabbed a whiteboard marker and turned around to write something on

the board "We're starting a new topic"

A few 'Yes!'s reached my ear before I turned my attention back on Stanley as he sat in my seat.

"Hi" I quietly greeted him with a smile. He glanced at me briefly from behind his long auburn fringe and

smiled "Hi"

There was an awkward silence between us as I listened to Mr Braxton speak but not really paying any

attention to him.

I turned to Stan-ley and opened my mouth to speak but closed it again when I didn't know what to say to him.

I let out a inaudible sigh then started doing the maths questions which were up on the board.

Not even five minutes later, from the corner of my eye I could see Stan, I mean Stanley put his pen on the

book and lean back against the chair.

I peered at his book and my eyebrows shot up when I realised that he had done the five questions in less than

five minutes when in general it took about ten to fifteen minutes. Well, he did drop down from extention

maths - the highest maths class - so he would most likely breeze through this course. Maybe he should of

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stayed in extention because now I feel dumb.

I turned back to my work and quickly tried to finish it off as Mr Braxton walked around handing out

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