Chapter 38

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I was spread out, belly down on my bed mumbling some random tune as I did my maths homework when the

door to my room all of a sudden opened and in walked Alora followed by Axel.

"Hey guys," I greeted them like it was completely normal for them to come to my house unannounced. "What's


"Nothing," Alora sighed and flopped onto the bed in front of me while Axel came over to me and lay down

with his belly on my back.

"Oft," I groaned as his body squashed mine. "Get off Axel."

"No." He mumbled and on purpose wiggled around.

"Get off!" I gasped and tried to shove him off. "Go do this to your girlfriend!"

"Ax honey," Alora spoke up making me to roll my eyes at the sugary way she said it. "Come here or else your

gonna kill her."

Axel finally got up with a sigh and walked over to his girlfriend while I sat up then stretched my back. Alora

moved back on the bed to make room for Axel before he lay down on my bed with his head resting on her

lap. Well weren't they such cuties.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I packed my stuff away.

"Oh, Linkin and Hunter went out to that stupid streetfighting thing," She spoke as she racked her hands

through Axel's hair. "Jester's gonna go to soon so we decided to come here to spend sometime with you." She

continued on speaking but I had zoned out as soon as she mentioned the street fighting.

"Wait," I said with a frown. "Hunter went to streetfight?"

"Yeah," She grumbled. "I told him not to but he wouldn't listen. I don't get why he won't just stop-"

I drooned out her voice as I got lost in my thoughts. But... he promised. My frown deepened as I stared down

at my lap as this heavy feeling set in me. Why did he lie? I clenched my fists and bit my bottom lip to a point

where it bleed as my throat started aching. Something that happened before the tears poured out. I swallowed

making my throat to ache even more then harshly shook my head. I should have known better. He's been doing

street fighting for years so why would he stop for me?


I was just his girlfriend after all. Not someone he loved and would do anything for. My mind swamped with

all these dark, negative thoughts that I couldn't seem to stop until my arm was roughly shook. "Luna?"

"Oh," I quickly turned my head to the side making my hair to block my face from showing to Alora and Axel

before I quickly wiped away any tears that betrayed me and slipped out. "Sorry. I zoned out there for a

minute." I said to her with a fake laugh that sounded to loud and shrilly for my own ears. I tried to make it

sound convincing but I knew they didn't buy it.

"Everything okay?" Alora asked me with concern all over her face while Axel watched me with a frown on

his face.

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now