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I sat on the edge of a cliff, which overlooked the area we had just explored, along with the varmints and Dave. Once they had finished their work, they returned for me and took the camping equipment with them, deciding to camp for the night. I was disappointed since I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I gazed up at the stars scattered across the sky, which I was accustomed to seeing from my bedroom. But being outside, it felt different in a way. I felt someone join me, but I ignored them and kept my gaze on the stars instead.

"Are you okay? We're all worried since you're sitting here alone," Noctis asks, and I face him.

"I'm fine, it's just been a tiring day," I answer while returning my attention to the stars.

"It is a lot to adjust to," Noctis sighs before continuing. "But I have a feeling that isn't what's bothering you."

"It's so stupid, it shouldn't bother me, but it does."

"I have a feeling I already know what it is," Noctis smirks.


"It's about your crush on Prompto," Noctis playfully nudges me, and I look at him with wide eyes. Was it that obvious? Does Prompto know? "I won't tell the others. They don't know you as well as I do." Noctis' words snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I didn't realize it was that obvious." I sheepishly look back at the stars.

"To them, no; to me, yes. Look, I know Prompto well. I can tell he likes you back."

"Don't give me lost hope like that, Noct." I pout, and Noctis playfully nudges me.

"I'm not." Noctis stretched his arms, and I looked at him just in time to see him yawn. "We should get some sleep, who knows what adventure tomorrow holds." Noctis stood up and extended his hand out for me to take. I took it, and he helped me stand up.

We made our way towards the tent to call it a night, as Ignis wanted everyone to get up early in the morning.


I woke up in the morning awkwardly sandwiched between Noctis and Prompto. Everything hurt as I wasn't used to camping or sleeping anywhere apart from my warm, soft bed. I sat up, moving my tousled blonde hair from my face to see that Ignis and Gladio had already left the tent.

I could hear Ignis outside making breakfast and knew that Gladio was out there somewhere working out. I turned to see Noctis squirming in his sleep. I quietly laughed at him before unzipping my sleeping bag to get out when Noctis groaned.

"What time is it?"

"I'm not sure, and I can't find my phone," I say, looking around for it. "I think I left it in the Regalia." Noctis ruffled his hair before grabbing his phone and checking the time.

"Seven am." he sighs before laying back down.

"Lazy," I mutter. I was about to get up when a sleepy Prompto placed his hand on my lap. My eyes widened, and I just knew Noctis was holding in his laughter.

I slowly remove his hand and hastily leave the tent, almost falling flat on my face. In the process, I stand up, fixing myself to see Ignis looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "Don't ask," I warn, and he focuses back on cooking.

I grab my clothes and go into the nearby wooded area to change without the boys seeing anything they shouldn't. I walked back to camp to see Gladio, who was now back with Noctis and Prompto, who were now awake.

"We have a busy day ahead of us, so everyone best fully wakes up and eats," Ingis says, earning a soft groan from Noctis and Prompto.

After everyone ate and woke up, we all returned to Hammerhead. I walked with Prompto, who was too busy snapping photos of the surrounding area.

"We're not too far now," Noctis calls out as he runs ahead of everyone. In the distance, I could see Hammerhead, and I felt relieved.

"It's rude to keep a girl waiting. You'd better apologi-." Prompto's eyes flickered, filling with horror. "W-what is that?!" He screams with panic. I look up to see a gigantic bird swooping down towards us. Noctis' eyes grew wide, showing how impressed he was by it.

"A live hurricane!" he shouts over the gusts of winds the creature left behind. I covered my eyes so nothing flew into them as the dust kicked up and swooped back upwards.

"That thing's like half-bird, half-storm, half-airship!" Prompto says in amazement. Gladio cocked up an eyebrow at Prompto.

"You realize that's three halves, right?"

"That would explain its size," Ignis retorts under his breath, making me giggle quietly.

"Awesome in every sense."

"Yeah. Let's hurry up and get back," Noctis rushes eagerly to get his father's car back. He ran ahead again, but this time with Prompto in tow.

"Very eager, those two." I chuckle.

"Very eager, indeed." Ignis agrees.


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