Back to Present Day

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The morning sun cast a warm glow over the unfamiliar streets of Manchester as I stepped out of my hostel. The city, once distant in my memories, felt both nostalgic and uncharted. Yesterday, I landed with a mission—to find Adam and unravel the threads of the complex story Sarah had shared with me over the phone.

As I walked towards Sarah's hostel, the silence of her switched-off phone echoed the unease within me. Knocking on her door yielded no response. She wasn't there. Concern twisted in my gut, and my mind raced through possibilities.

"Why would Sarah disappear like this? And why is her phone off?" I muttered to myself, a sense of urgency rising.

Reaching her hostel, I approached the warden's office. "Excuse me, Mrs. Johnson," I greeted the warden, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Julia. How can I help you?" Mrs. Johnson inquired, her pen poised over a ledger.

"I'm looking for my friend Sarah. She's not in her room, and her phone is switched off. Have you seen her around?" I asked, my worry etched on my face.

Mrs. Johnson scanned through her records, her expression thoughtful. "No, I haven't seen her since yesterday evening. Is everything okay?"

"I'm not sure. She's been through a tough time, and I flew down to be with her. But she's nowhere to be found," I explained, frustration seeping into my words.

The warden's eyes softened with understanding. "I hope she's alright. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for her."

"Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. I appreciate it," I replied, my mind already shifting to the mission ahead.

Back on the streets, a determined resolve took over. "Okay, Julia, focus. Find Adam, find Sarah," I whispered to myself, the urgency propelling me forward.

As I approached the school, the imposing gates seemed to hold the answers I sought. The corridors, though unfamiliar, carried an air of mystery. I couldn't reveal my identity, and asking around for Adam without drawing attention was a delicate dance.

The guy from the other day came to mind. "Maybe he can help. I have a feeling about him," I mused, the warmth of his presence lingering in my memory.

However, as I walked through the school gates, I realized I had no clue where to find him again. The campus sprawled, and he could be anywhere. I decided to wander around, hoping to catch a glimpse of his distinctive features—curly brown hair, grey eyes that seemed to hold a depth of understanding.

"I need to find that guy. I feel like he could help, and I need answers," I thought, my steps guided by intuition rather than a concrete plan.

Lost in my thoughts, I reached the familiar courtyard. Memories flooded back—a mix of laughter, shared secrets, and the innocence of youth. The decision to keep Adam's details to myself crystallized. Sarah's pain was hers to share, and I didn't want to inadvertently add to her burden.

With each step, my determination grew. "I'll find that guy, learn what he knows, and hopefully, he can lead me to Adam without stirring up any unwanted attention."

The mission ahead seemed daunting, but a quiet strength fueled my resolve. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the school grounds as I navigated the labyrinth of memories and mysteries, all in pursuit of the truth.

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