Sarah's Regret (Past)

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The soft glow of my phone screen bathed my room in a gentle light as I answered Sarah's call. Her voice, usually vibrant and full of life, seemed to carry an unfamiliar weight. "Hey, Sarah," I greeted, a note of concern seeping into my words.

"Julia," she responded, her voice shaky, and I could sense the tremor of emotions through the line.

"What's going on? You don't sound okay," I remarked, worry furrowing my brow even though she couldn't see it.

Silence lingered for a moment before she opened up, revealing the heartbreak that had gripped her. "It's Adam. He dumped me, Jules. After everything, he just... he just walked away."

I listened intently, my heart sinking with each word she uttered. The pain in her voice was palpable, and I wished I could be there in person to offer comfort. "He treated me like I was nothing. All those expensive gifts, the fancy dates—I thought he cared, but he just used me," Sarah confided, her voice a mix of anger and hurt.

My mind raced with a mix of emotions—anger on behalf of my friend and a burning desire to support her through this ordeal. "Sarah, I'm so sorry you're going through this. You don't deserve to be treated that way."

Tears flowed freely as Sarah continued to pour her heart out. "I don't know what to do, Jules. I feel lost."

"You're not alone in this, Sarah. I'll be there for you. In fact, I have an idea," I declared, my resolve strengthening.

"What idea?" she asked, curiosity cutting through the pain.

"I'm flying to Manchester for our summer vacations. I want to be there with you, support you, and help you through this. No one messes with my best friend and gets away with it," I asserted, a newfound determination coloring my voice.

A fragile smile seemed to form on Sarah's lips. "You'd really do that for me?"

"Absolutely," I affirmed, the miles between us diminishing in the face of my determination. "We'll face this together, and I promise, by the end of it, you'll be in a better place."

Gratitude laced her words as she said, "Thank you, Jules. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"That's what friends are for," I replied, my voice a soothing balm. "Now, tell me everything. Cry, vent, scream if you need to. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." And as the conversation unfolded, the miles between us seemed to disappear, replaced by the timeless bond of friendship that transcended the challenges life threw our way.

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