Chapter 1

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Whoever decided that the Government was going to be the thing that will save this world, they can kindly go fuck themselves.

Now let me introduce myself, my name is Ember. If you are like me, you're probably a mutant, or a freak of nature as normal humans call it. You're probably out hiding in the middle of nowhere and hunting for food like cavemen, hoping no one finds you. That or you're with the rest of society and with humans and hiding in plain sight to stay safe.

Now if somehow a human got their hands on this story, I want to make this thing clear, if you are like 90% of humans on this bloody earth who thinks that mutant are just freaks of nature and should be eradicated, please turn off your phone, tablet or whatever device your reading this from, and just jump off the nearest cliff. Now if you actually have common sense and think that all that bullshit our government has been spitting is a bit odd and aren't completely sure how to feel that mutants are now able to live freely, please, I beg you to keep reading, we need people like you to actually understand to make the rest of humanity understand.

Now you've probably heard of the new law that says that mutants can finally live in peace and have decent rights for once, instead of just getting massacred or tested on and actually being treated like living beings.

I'm going to explain how the government magically changed their mind, and trust me, it wasn't an easy thing to do.

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