(Eps 2) Visiting Old Friends

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Wyoming's cell phone starts ringing

Wyoming: Mhm, ahem. Right. Where, are you hiding, th-... right. Need to get that, one second. (turns around and answers the phone) Hello? Yes, this is he speaking. ...Oh hello! Yes, right. Oh bugger. Spell that with a T or an F, do you? Thought you said something else. No, I'll get right on it.

Phil: Getting bored...

Wyoming: Right. Usual fee... He won't be a problem. No, I'll nip that one for you straight away. Right. Say hello to mum for me. Cheerio. (turns back around to Phil) Now, where were we. Ah yes. Looks like it's your lucky day, mate.

Phil: Oh, thank God!

Wyoming: Don't have time to torture you, so I'm just going to have to kill you.

Phil: Uh-oh man this sucks!

Black screen, gunshot, fades back in to the Battle Creek Reds in their base

A Red Soldier: Yeah, I'm gonna kill everybody!

Another Red Soldier: Get the flag, get the flag, get the flag. Get the fucking flag!

Some Other Red Soldier: We must protect this house!

Many Red Soldiers: We must protect this house!

Yet Another Red Soldier: We must protect this house! This is our house!

A Poignant Red Soldier: Um, guys, look, where's our flag?

Some Red Soldier: (sharp inhale)

Another Red Soldier: No.

Some Other Red Soldier: The flag is gone?

A Red Soldier: What will we do?

The Red Soldier Who Briefly Held The Blue Flag In Episode 39 (The Red Zealot): If the flag is gone, who will lead us? Who will inspire us with their shiny pole? Who will flag directions to us in battle? We are lost, and the world as we knew it is gone forever from our eyes, only to live in our memories as the days of salad and glory! Truly these are the end of times! Repent! Repent!

The Other Red Soldiers: ...

A Red Soldier: This sucks, I'm leaving.

Some Red Soldier: Yeah...

The reds and blues run slowly from their bases, very uninspired

Some Blue Soldier: Yay. Great.

They meet in the middle, below Sarge, 404(Mercury),  and Caboose

Sarge: (holding the blue flag) Oh blue team... Look what I have.

Caboose: (holding the red flag) Oh blue team... Look what, wait, I messed up my line. Let's start over.

404 (Mercury): Shhh...

A Red Soldier: They have our flag!

A Blue Soldier: No they don't, they have our flag!

Sarge: Listen you morons, you're gonna have to work for us now.

The Red Soldier: What's in it for us?

Sarge: Help us get out of here, and we'll give you back your flags. Then you can go back to senselessly killing yourselves.

A Red Soldier: Deal. Ha, sucker!

A Blue Soldier: Wait- why don't we just kill you guys and take the flags back?

Red vs Blue (Season Three) | A Courier Guy (Male Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang