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As you returned to camp, you put a smile on your face; one that was good enough to fool your sister, at least. When you didn't hear any rustling or movement, you began to hurry out of the tree line. "Rapunzel?" You called. You found your sister staring into the woods, the satchel slung over her shoulder. She was fidgeting with something, but you couldn't tell what. Dumping your firewood in a pile in the grass, you approached her carefully. Brows furrowed, you asked her, "Are you-"

She didn't even let you finish your sentence, turning around and practically tackling you in a hug. She dug her face into your neck, appreciating the faint scent of leather and pine. Being without you and facing her mother like that made her never want to be without you again. You couldn't tell what was happening, though, and hesitantly wrapped your arms around her, stroking her head.

The woods began to rustle, and she squeezed you tighter. You glanced over your shoulder to see Eugene emerging from the woods. "Is there any chance that I'm going to get super strength in my hand?" He called. He dumped his firewood with yours. "Because, I'm not going to lie, that would be stupendous." He paused, sensing an odd mood. "You alright?"

Your sister stepped away from you, pulling her hair behind her ear. "Oh! Sorry, yes. Just, um, lost in thought, I guess." You had thought you had seen a satchel on her when you came back, but as she distanced herself, you realized it must have been an odd shadow.

Eugene didn't give her answer a second thought before continuing. "I mean, because here's the thing," he began. You patted your sister on the shoulder before bending down to help him work on the fire. "Superhuman good looks? I've always had them. Born with it." He joked, and you shoved him lightly. "But superhuman strength? Can you imagine the possibilities of this?"


Several hours later, the sun shone brightly, warming your face. The three of you were sleeping by the ashes of the fire, Eugene on one side, you and your sister on the other. You were leaned up against the fallen log from last night, chest rising and falling slowly. Your sister laid next you, using her own hair as a blanket.

Eugene's eyelids twitched as he felt a drop of water land on his face. His hands were tucked beneath his head, acting as a cushion for the hard rock he used as a pillow. Another drop of water landed on his stubbled cheek, finally arousing him from his slumber. Squinting due to the light, he made out the form of a white horse standing over him, upset and drenched in water.

"Well, I hope you're here to apologize."

Eugene's screaming woke both you and your sister. In no time, you jumped to your feet, longsword twisting in your grip. You watched as the horse drug Eugene into the forest. The man was clawing at the ground, trying to resist the stallion's solid grip on his leather boot. "Put me down! Stop it! Let me go!"

You chased after the pair, Rapunzel close behind. You dropped your sword, grabbing both of Eugene's wrists. He grabbed yours in return, and you began to pull as hard as you could, boots digging into the dewy soil. "Give him back!" With a pop, you were able to pull him from his boot, sending Eugene into the air.

The horse began to charge at you and Eugene. With your longsword several feet away, and no daggers on you, you stood frozen, not sure how to approach a stallion without any weapons.

Rapunzel jumped in front of you, hands in the air. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" She called. Your sister seemed to appear out of thin air, spooking you. Your foot caught a small stone and you fell right back towards a bunch of rocks. Just as you were bracing for impact, you were met with arms wrapping around your waist as Eugene absorbed your fall. Both of your chests were heaving with adrenaline-riddled breaths, and your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. Your hand came up to cover one of his, thumb brushing his as you turned slightly.

"Thank you."

"Sure," he said smoothly. Neither of you moved as your sister continued to fight with the horse.

"Easy, boy. Easy!" He stopped in his tracks, but tried to go around the blonde. Every time he stepped to the side, so did she. Slowly, he began to calm down. "That's it. Now, sit," she commanded him like a dog. Hesitantly, he sat in the grass, Eugene's shoe still dangling from his mouth.

Eugene was befuddled, his arms tightening around you for a split second. "What?"

"Now, drop the boot," she said. The horse just looked at her, uninterested. "Drop it." She insisted, and he did. She tossed it to you, who gave it to Eugene. Your sister began to coo at the horse, scratching him and petting him. "You all tired from chasing this bad man all over the place?" She asked in a baby voice. The horse nodded.

"Excuse me?"

She continued, ignoring Eugene. "Nobody appreciates you, do they? Do they?" The horse shook his head snorting.

You got up, turning to help Eugene up as well. "Oh, come on," he complained, "he's a bad horse!"

"Oh, he's nothing but a big sweetheart. Isn't that right, Maximus?" Rapunzel said, looking to the insignia on his chest that held his name.

"You've got to be kidding me," you sighed.

Rapunzel kept talking to Maximus. "Look. Today is kind of the biggest day of my life, and the thing is, I need you not to get him arrested," she said, grabbing Eugene's wrist and bringing him forward. Maximus huffed. "Just for 24 hours, and then you can chase each other to your heart's content. Okay?"

Eugene sighed, but stuck out his hand nonetheless. Maximus turned his nose up at it.

"It's also her birthday, just so you know," you whispered to Maximus.

The boys shook, solidifying their deal. Bells chimed in the distance, getting Rapunzel's attention. She pushed through your group, looking for the source of the noise. As soon as her back was turned, you elbowed Eugene jokingly. He pushed you in return lightly, and then Maximus hit him hard in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Your hands clutched your stomach as you laughed.

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