Doggie oc

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Name: Xena

Nicknames: xe (pronounced Zee), brute, muscles etc

Gender: female

Age: depends

Zodiac: Aries

Sexuality: straight

Looks: mostly white with black patches on the tip of her left ear and over her left eye. Black dots sit above it. Her nose is mostly pink but has small black dots. She has bright blue eyes. A rarity for her breed mix.

Personality: Xena is a recluse for the most part. She doesn't really interact with others nor does she want to. Mostly because she comes off as intimidating and scary to those around her. She hates that she scares others due to her appearance. She's a sweet dog though who is well disciplined. She listens to commands easily and is very obedient. Xena can be loyal once her trust has been earned. A hard thing to do due to her past experiences and trauma. She's a hardened dog who's been through hell and back. A fighter hence her name.

Occupation: stray (currently) fight dog (formerly)

Backstory: Xena was an oops litter between a Dogo Argentino named Murphy and a great dane named Belle. They had been accidentally left out between rounds of fights. The pregnancy resulted in Xena and her four brothers and two sisters. A rather large litter but each pup fought for their place. Xena from birth was a rather chunky pup. Though she grew into a muscled well rounded dog. In the ring owner's eyes she was the perfect dog. He took her on as his own which was a rare occurrence. He trained her hard and didn't hesitate to hurt her to fuel her rage. She was dubbed Xena the great by rings all over the country. She was the fiercest and best fighter the rings had ever seen. However a bust by the police caused Xena to escape. She had heard of the horror stories of dogs like her being put down. She didn't want to even risk it. Despite the fact her sweet demeanor would've had her labeled as adoptable. She ran off and became a stray. Mostly seen in the shadows and away from humans. She struggles to trust them after all the abuse and torture she suffered.

Species: canis lupis familiaris

Breed: Dogo Argentino x Great Dane

Tattoos: none

Smut: no

Other: is littered in scars. She has more of her mom's height though settled at a nice in between of her parents. Though is taller then her dad. Has no idea what became of her family. Is well known for her fighting reputation and is well feared because of that. Her ear has a tear in it from a particularly nasty fight.

 Her ear has a tear in it from a particularly nasty fight

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What she looks like as a pup. She Though she's stockier with a more Dogo Argentino body since she's older.

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