Ch. 24 ✨Honeymoon✨

Start from the beginning

At some point, I bend down and roll my pant legs up that way I can go knee, the cold yet warm water brushing against my skin.
Alastor doesn't follow.

"Come on!" I wave him in, but he shakes his head.

"I'd much rather enjoy the view. Though you can play as much as you want, don't let me spoil your fun."

I smirk. "What's the matter?" I scoop up a handful and throw water at his chest. "Scared to get wet?"

His eyes widen in shock, but his smile turns into a smirk.


I do it again.


And I do it again, adding more water.
By now, Alastor is completely shocked. "If you don't stop I'm going to do something that'll shock you," he warns, but I laugh, smirking at him, daring him to do it.

"Oh yeah, like what?"
Suddenly, he teleports to me, sweeping me off my feet and walking deeper into the ocean.

I scream happily. "Ah! Alastor don't you dare!"

"I'm afraid I must."

"No!" I laugh uncontrollably, clutching onto him, not wanting to get dropped in the ocean and soaked from head to toe. Though I know that's exactly what's going to happen.

He walks until he's waist deep, and then he stops.

"No!" I giggle, barely able to take a full breath, "come on I'm sorry!" Though deep down, I'm not. This is the most fun I've had in years...and nothing could ruin this joy I'm feeling.

Alastor chuckles, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "It is a bit late for sorry's, darling."

And then he drops me.

I fall completely into the water, before emerging to catch a breath, and hear his hysterical laughter. 

"You're so done for!" I shout happily, chasing after him, "come back here you!"

He runs away from me, looking over his shoulder to watch if I catch up or fall behind, though I manage to stay on his tail.
We run back and forth on the beach, him only fueling me more when he throws remarks and teases, making me want to drag him into the water. 

I chase him for quite some time, until he suddenly stops, scooping me off the sand spinning me, the both of us breathless from laughter, our ribs hurting from everything.

We spin for a moment, to the point where we get dizzy, and then he stops, brushing aside a strand of my wet hair, his eyes lingering on my face lovingly, as if I'm the only thing he sees in this world. The most beautiful sight in his eyes...his soulmate he's been waiting for.

Before I know it, he kisses me, deeply, passionately, making my insides twist in a happy way.

When his lips pull away from mine and my eyes open, I see we aren't on the beach anymore, but

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✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now