That was it.

Nothing about her he liked except her money and mix blood line. When he found out about her being pregnant, he was more excited about her pushing a baby with their bloodline and then later on ditching her for some other woman.

That sick cunt.

"Did you ever think for a moment that Katsuki may not actually be your son?" Mitsuki asked him coldly, swirling her finger in her curl.

Masaru rose an eyebrow before it furrowed together. "What do you mean? Katsuki is my son. We had sex."

"No no, we were expected to have sex and produce a child for your reputation. But I never said Katsuki was your son..." Her face gleamed with a smile when Masaru started to put two and two together.

" were still with him.. That man..You really have no shame do you!!" He finally outburst as he puts the puzzle together.

"My shame is intact! You are the one sleeping round. How old is that little kid I saw here last time! Talking bout babysitting. You have no fucking cousins you bitch!"

"Why you!-"


The two stopped, Masaru having holt his action and Mitsuki looking back to see Katsuki standing there.

Katsuki was furious at the sight. Masaru daring to even put his hand on his mother. He scowled at him when he pulled his hand away.

"Who the fuck gave you the permission to hit my mother?! Ha?!" He yelled, stepping between the two.


"Think your all high and mighty now you fucking hypocrite. Think your sly?" Katsuki chastised with a fake grine but that dropped. "Don't ever touch my mother again."

Masaru sighs and rubs his temple. "Katsuki, my son, please don't associate yourself with a liar, ok?" He said trying to get Katsuki away from Mitsuki.

Mitsuki wanted to fight him right there but Katsuki was first to step up to that plate.

"Your both liars! But at least Hag told me! You didn't even have the wit in you to tell me shit! Bring in women when mother is asleep, then coming home smelling like bitches." Katsuki laughed out. "You sick fuck."

Masaru looked to Mitsuki as she smirked at him then Katsuki who was overly pissed off with him. He tried again. "Katsuki, go upstairs. Adults are speaking-"

"Man fuck you! Your not my father to begin with!"


Masaru saw anger blur his vision now. Katsuki knew he wasn't his father and they kept that from him. Here he thought he did something good only to find out Mitsuki wasn't having his kid and was sleeping around with the guy he despised.

"Your his aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!"

Katsuki was grabbed by the arm and Mitsuki stepped in for her son. "Don't fucking touch my son Masaru!"



"Take that CHILD out of my house and you go with him! We're done, done!"

Mitsuki scoffed a chuckle at the stupidity happening right now. She was getting kicked out of her house of things. For all she knew, Masaru was to be set on the curb. He was the reason her and Hernandez came back to one another. Either way, she should be glad.

"You fucker!-"

"Katsuki! Katsuki! Drop it."

"But he can't do that hag! Step up for yourself!"

Crazy but he is MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora